Otherplanet evil and his politicians-agents

Инопланетное зло и его политики-агенты влияния


These are women fighting for their Rights to stop being powerless “giving birth bags” in “baboon world” of lawlessness and stupidity. “Hello to intellect” of the smart 90% of women remain “disenfranchised wallets” to this day and breed migrants

This woman (second in row of slaves, following capitalist “orangutan boar”) won right to work EQUALLY with other slaves

But at the same time, the entire “orangutan” civilization continues to read woman as “purse” and when she goes on maternity leave for pregnancy, at best, she is paid “an allowance so as not to die” “because the “orangutan budget” has no money” EQUAL TO SALARY OF SPECIALIST AND FOR REPLACEMENT temporary worker

Migrant “orangutans” crises for helpless people willing to work “for food” HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, including in USA. As soon as “source from Africa” was discovered
they immediately began to import African people and “force them to work” with “wages at the level of “for food”. Modern migrants are the “orangut fruits” of politicians in 90% of the world where WOMEN STILL REMAIN POWERLESS “WALLETS”

OTHERPLANET EVIL is trying to “NOT NOTICE” its “orangutan insides” and shifts all blame onto migrants who come from pseudo-countries of “disenfranchised wallets” where women are still deprived of their rights - and migrants are being cheated into the ears" the myth of their conquest of Europe. As result, war and disease are pitted against and distracted, and otherplanet evil is at the top remains dooming Our civilization to be “orangutan” unreasonable

Benefit EQUAL to the salary is Right of families and the entire Civilization


Overcoming oppression over pseudoearth oppression http://stihi.ru/2024/04/06/7764

Under loshpetos mimicry or otherplanet agents-marionetos. Psedopolitics http://stihi.ru/2024/03/28/7685
From very Expedition beginning. Sold and devoted http://stihi.ru/2024/01/27/6782

Otherplanet Bim Bom administrations genocide facts http://stihi.ru/2023/12/16/5836
Europe leader reform. Earth Freedom Civilization http://stihi.ru/2023/12/12/375
and much truer than official story http://stihi.ru/2023/04/24/3877
Betrayed, sold out citizens in deadly lager-cities http://stihi.ru/2022/07/25/7481
Speckled Band. Thugs 33 km in half from Congress http://stihi.ru/2023/03/16/8816
UFO US-babilonian Carthaginem delendam esse http://stihi.ru/2022/10/25/8310
Europa-Standard http://stihi.ru/2024/03/12/553
