Air Saving

I'm sinking. 'Zapadlo'... In short - to hell these dances in the night corridor of the dorm and a long look out the window after 'kir'.
There are no rhymes here. Only the rhythm tattered meaningless phrases,
multiplied by the fantastic curve of the pelvis...
Where are you - the arc of bright plasma? Body on the bathroom tile...
A stubborn leaf on a bare branch. He is never tame.
Another trick of vision - the polite weightlessness of grief.
Stay with me like light dandruff. Kiss the mannequin as it kisses the air.
Spreading virulent thoughts. Black.
Forgive everyone. Say - "'Khuy' with you. I agree
to be the devil behind the black line of power."
The roaring breadth of life: fortieth...
My conscience is clear - I am for Stalin!
This groan of a train running on schedule...
Jump on the roofs of hundred-story buildings like a boy.
Bazaar with a bell. Confront his tongue-tied heaviness.
What does his wild call mean? Answer, stupid Ego,
for disorderly behavior at an unauthorized rally and
deafness to answers...
Hatred? She is smart and kind in her own way.
Listen, boy, you're confusing smells and colors...
You're going to have a seizure. Snake skin replacement.
Breathe through your nose. Save air.
