Runtu already be out of tune with the spirit USA

Runtu : you must already be out of tune with / / the spirit thee USA

2024 : Tiktok : Runtu, Uri Telegram : Canberra ACT Australia / Keywords: Russian literature.; Russia - Intellectual life.; Russia - Civilization : XX - XXI century / Europe - Civilization / Human rights / 21st century Russia / / the Neo-transcendental theatre : 2024

2024 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri : От автора " 1 - 12 Книг о друзьях Руди Нуреева - КНИГИ - которыми я горжусь и люблю : Общение и Опыт жизни этих личностей - помог мне прожить счастливую жизнь на Западе и в России " / / WWII Australia | Australian writer and journalist : Yuri Ryuntyu | Uri Runtu : Iouri Runtu in French : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris : Hео-трансцендентальный театр Рюнтю Юри : 2024.

2024 : Особо приятно и радует - Стэнфордский университет - Студенты в Университетах Калифорнии из США / USA : The Stanford University : California / : - учатся по моим : 62 книгам по Истории , Искусству и Культуре : Древней Руси : Императорской России : СССР и Новой Демократической России : Документы, Мемуары и Летописи Жизни : 3 000 Россиян : с 10 по 21 век : / / 2005-2024 / .

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Runtu : you must already be out of tune with / / the spirit thee USA

A friend sent me a link to a fascinating (and depressing) exchange of letters in 1947 between Lowry Nelson

(an LDS student doing research in Cuba)

and the president of the Southern States LDS mission,

and then later the First Presidency of the LDS church

 (at that time George Albert Smith; J. Reuben Clark, Jr,; and David O. McKay).

In the exchange, Nelson states that he was,

until that time, unaware of any “irrevocable church doctrine”

regarding the denial of the priesthood to

 those of sub-Saharan African descent.

The First Presidency firmly disabuses him of this notion,

explaining that the restriction of priesthood blessings

is a direct result of choices made in the premortal life.

Further, they suggest specifically that the restriction came from the position of the spirits during the War in Heaven, during which one-third of the hosts of heaven followed Lucifer in rebelling against God;

thus, they subtly support the common teaching that black Africans had been

 “fence sitters” in the War in Heaven,

 not actively fighting for God but passively

 watching the battle unfold.

What struck me most about the letters, however,

is the First Presidency’s clear belief that Nelson

 had gone off the rails somehow:

Furthermore, your ideas, as we understand them, appear to contemplate the intermarriage of the Negro and White races, a concept which has heretofore been most repugnant to most normal-minded people from the ancient patriarchs till now.

What Nelson had done was to show, correctly, that notions of race common in the United States were quite foreign to people in places such as Cuba, where interracial marriage was definitely not “repugnant” to “normal-minded people.”

This was apparently alarming enough for them to enjoin him to let go of the philosophies of men and embrace truth:

We should like to say this to you in all kindness and in all sincerity that you are too fine a man to permit yourself to be led off from the principles of the Gospel by worldly learning.

You have too much of a potentiality for doing good and we therefore prayerfully hope that you can reorient your thinking and bring it in line with the revealed word of God.

As nauseating as that exchange is, it prompted me to think about LDS church members’ responsibility to sustain or follow their leaders.

In this case, the leadership was quite simply wrong.

Even the church now rejects what in 1947 was “doctrine,” meaning ironically that it supports Nelson, not the earlier prophets.

 The church’s current position is that no one knows why the restriction was implemented.

 In 2012, a BYU professor was roundly criticized

 for outlining the reasons for the restriction given

 by earlier church leaders, prompting an official

response from the LDS church, which stated in part:

For a time in the Church there was a restriction on the priesthood for male members of African descent. 

It is not known precisely why, how, or when this restriction began in the Church but what is clear is that it ended decades ago.

Some have attempted to explain the reason for this restriction but these attempts should be viewed as speculation and opinion, not doctrine.

The Church is not bound by speculation or opinions given with limited understanding.

I’m glad the church has rejected its racist past, but I do have a hard time with dismissing what prophets and apostles taught as revealed doctrine as mere speculation and opinion.

Since I read the letters, I’ve been thinking about this exchange as it illustrates perfectly what I see as a fundamental tension in Mormonism between following your own conscience and convictions, and obeying and sustaining church leaders.

All my life I have been taught that I have the right–maybe even the responsibility–to pray about counsel and instruction I receive from the leaders of the church.

Such counsel is binding when the spirit confirms that it is true.

A logical conclusion would be that,

in the absence of such confirmation,

the counsel would not be binding.

But I realize that, despite this teaching, in practice we are expected to obey by default.

The underlying assumption seems to be that whatever we are instructed from our leaders will be confirmed by the spirit, so by default we are to obey automatically.

Presumably we would go to the Lord for spiritual confirmation only when we had a personal disagreement with priesthood counsel.

I’m not talking about the discredited notion that

“when the prophet speaks,

 the thinking has been done”

but rather more subtle

(and not so subtle)

 injunctions to obey without question.

President Packer, for example,

has taught that we must all face the same way,

following our leaders;

 Elder Bednar has said that we must have

“the courage to promptly and quietly obey

 the counsel of the prophet in all things and at all times”;

and Elder Robert Oaks has taught,

“For us, to ‘believe all things’ means to believe the doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the words of the Latter-day prophets. It means to successfully erase our doubts and reservations.”

So, in my view, the default position is that the prophet and the leaders are always right, but even if we do feel the need to get spiritual confirmation, it’s not exactly a fool-proof process.

 First of all, the leaders giving the counsel or

 teaching believe they are in line with the spirit.

In the First Presidency’s 1949 statements about the “Negro,” they clearly stated that they were proclaiming doctrine that had been revealed to prophets and written in scripture.

Similarly, Brigham Young stated that it was “revealed” doctrine that Adam is God.

 Nowadays both of these ideas have been discredited, with the LDS church now saying no one knows the reason for the priesthood restrictions, and Bruce R. McConkie famously saying that anyone who “believes the Adam-God theory does not deserve to be saved.”

Do my spiritual confirmations or

 lack thereof trump those of my priesthood leaders?

 What if I don’t get a spiritual

 confirmation and others do?

Who is right?

On one Mormon-themed message board, I tried to have a conversation about this fundamental tension between doing what you believe to be right and following your leaders, but it didn’t get very far.

As far as I could tell, the consensus was that, if you have a moral or spiritual objection to priesthood counsel, you must already be out of tune with the spirit.

 That’s not a satisfactory answer, as it suggests that leaders are either always right or that we’ll be blessed for doing the wrong thing for the sake of obedience.

I’m not even sure

I have a point here,

but these thoughts have been

going through my mind today.

2022 : TEATP : Все 1 - 10 Пьес : для сборника --- Авторa Юри Рюнтю- " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век" / / 2022

2024 Автор Юри Рюнтю о Русской Речи: / / 2023

Русская напевность и растяжка длиннот в звуке,
Русская неторопливая вязь слов,
Русское ощущение природы и человека,
Русская внутренняя скромность,
Русская духовность за 1025 лет,
Русское православие за 1025 лет,
Русская обрядность… 1025 лет.
Как много чистого и красивого - в этих смысловых звукосочетаниях...

2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 19 Лeт 2005-2024 на Стихи.Pу / / Runtu is a technical writer and editor living in Salt Lake City. A collection of articles published by Runtu /

2024 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 18 Лeт 2006-2024 на Проза. Pу / / 2024

TEATP учит : обуздывать ярость, если она вспыхивает / /

TEATP учит : распознавать гнев до его превращения в насилие.

2005 - 2024 / / Стихи.ру - это Грандиозное и Единственное на планете Земля - Явление в Мировой Культурологии из России - / / Media TV Radio : 2024

TEATP 2022 : Все 1 - 10 Пьес : для сборника --- Авторa Юри Рюнтю- " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век" / / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 10 Драма : 575-620 : Пророк Mухаммед и Жена Xадиджа / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : Драма о Пророке Mухаммеде и Красавице и Умнице жене Xадидже :

Биография основателя ислама, Великого пророка Мухаммеда:

родился 22 апреля 571, в городе - Мекке

скончался 8 июня 632, в городе - Медине

В Медине - его гробница — место поклонения десятков миллионов пилигримов Ислама.

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю 2022 : Театральная Пьеса : Драма - Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа - как - Эталоны Человеческой Морали и Семьи, и как - Выдающиеся Личности и Высокая Интеллектуальная и Духовная Элита Человечества : Историческая Драма на Исламскую тему и Мировая Культура : Россия - Европа - Азия и Арабский Мир : 575-620 г.г./ / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia : 2022

Мухаммед и Иисус Христос для нас символы духовности и эталоны чести, морали и общечеловеческого достоинства в отношениях между людьми на земле.

Их человеческие качества, особая чувствительность и восточный колорит душевности, помогли мне подняться до темы, которую я решил раскрыть для собратьев христиан.

Теплота друзей из мусульман вокруг меня - открыла путь, о котором я не догадывался. Я взглянул на Коран - их глазами. Коран распахнул мое европейское сердце. И тут я понял, что суть Святой Книги - КОРАНА - родилась из мусульманской семьи. Здесь - семейные разговоры в семье Mухаммеда и Xадиджи - и осмысление : Сути и Предназначенности Человеческой Жизни и Космического Мироздания с присутствием БОГА. Живым Источником всего на Свете - были отношения между : Мужем и Женой, чем и была : их святая и трепетная любовь : Любовь Пророка Mухаммеда и Xадиджи... Все ЭТО - выражено мной с Трепетом и Уважением в текстах пьесы " Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа : 575-620 годы " к их Грандиозным Судьбам. Моя любовь к НИМ - искренна и смиренна.

TEATP 2022 : ЮРИ МЭТТЬЮ РЮНТЮ - Авторское Произведение Сценической Драматургии для Театра и Кино: Представлена Историческая драма на Мусульманскую тему о Великой Личности - Пророка Mухаммеда и о Членах Его Мусульманской Семьи: 575-620 г.г./ / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 9 Драма : 1879-1997 : Братья Карамазовы : Приемыши / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 8 Драма : 1997-2030 : Дети и Внуки Братьев Карамазовых / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 7 Драма : 1936-1940 : Смерть Собора Святого Духа / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 6 Драма : 1930-1964 : Русский Сальери Борис Пастернак и Марина Цветаева / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 5 Драма : 1922-1930 : Лубянка Владимира Маяковского и Лилии Брик / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 4 Драма : 1919-1925 : Ад Есенина Cернея и Айседоры Дункан / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 3 Драма : 1917 - 1921 : Тайна Александра Блока : Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 2 Драма : 1915-1945 : ЖИЗНЬ МАТВЕЯ : Вторая Мировая Война : WWII и Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

TEATP Авторa Юри Рюнтю : 1 Драма : 1914 - 1918 : Жена и Мать : Царь Николай II : Первая Мировая Война : WWI / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / 2022

