Андрей Малышко Балада о Рушнике по английски

Mom's Towel after Andrey Malyshko

Mother mine did not  sleep at the every night time.
She took me to the fields along nearest  hamlets.
And she sent of me on a long journey at the dawn
And gave an embroidered towel for happiness.
And she sent of me on a long journey at the dawn,
And  gave as a fate a towel embroidered for a good luck.

Let a dewy long path bloom on it incessantly,
And   green silent quiet meadows and nightingale  groves,
And your so disconcerted maternal delicate  smile there,
And expressive sad eyes which always  are good.
And your so disconcerted  maternal affectionate smile there,
And expressive sad blue eyes good  of yours are extremely good.

I'll take that towel, I'll spread it like my fate
In the quiet rustling grasses, in the chirping of wild oak woods.
And on that towel everything painfully familiar will revive clearly -
And , and very true love.
And on that towel everything painfully familiar will revive clearly -
And  childhood, separation,and very true mother your love.
