Crazy poems

city of fiction
city of roses
element of freedom
sixes of spades
robber brothers
cloud near the sun
crazy poems
dog in the snow
devil trills

     city of fiction
hallucinations of the builders of St. Petersburg
described Pasternak,
dizzying human activity
little things

the black finger of the equestrian pointed to the place,
where "no one has time to get away" / Platonov

     city of roses
... this is when you go to the watch,
lean back
and they shout to you anyhow, like
Addis Ababa - the city of roses! / Gumilyov

"the bells healed grief"
passing by, lowing ...

here is the clue!
in the crusade of love

     element of freedom
the spinning dog has a lot

dreamy anarchists feed him:
it will be Superdog!, an element of freedom

     sixes of spades
     autumn of the past and summer of the future / Pasternak
... in holiness there is no time for talking,
"gray approval"

run down the night street
shuffle a deck of one
sixes of spades
in anticipation of the future sommer

     robber brothers
     brothers, robbers, drunkards / Mother Mary
crosses are pluses, but
they don't add anything
they are busy with themselves

     cloud near the sun
the sun of the dead
and a small white cloud
that breathes

     crazy poems
mystical anarchism,
kyoka - crazy poetry

     dog in the snow
do you remember you in the snow
did you find the dog?
and you lived another 14 years...

     devil trills
I'll go for a walk
under the Black Banner
in the blue cloak of the Silver Age

deprived of all rights:
right to ask questions...
listen to the "devilish trills" of bikes
