Reich kingdom tourist

Reich kingdom tourist
cure for suicidophilia
hybrid of joy and hate
state of freedom

     Reich kingdom tourist
Prague rabbi Lem with his Golem...,
Ibn Rushd, tangled in a robe...
... to be inscribed and described with them
square mandala,
"rat", throw away in the nightstand
from the third floor
a short-lived millennial tourist

     cure for suicidophilia
where I was...
although, in fact, we were there together ...
...this place is hidden
indicate a new, better
and deserved
type of tunic with medals
for liberation Kandahar and Constantinople...
we went in together, and then -
fell off one by one,
each in his own square of the starry sky
advertising a cure for suicide

the capital of passion exists
she recovers in the morning
off scooters with twinned gay couples
with palms sticky with love
extra soft signs,

     hybrid of joy and hate
experience with the whole body, in particular -
characteristic of holey women
madness is a dream that never succeeds
it remains to invent a new one,
new emote:
like Dos, -
hybrid of joy and hate

     state of freedom
toothpaste and night thought -
sort of endless...
...the blues theme by a white nimble parasite
exceptional state of freedom
happens only after defecation
