Бен Джонсон. Песочные часы

Песок подвижный в склянице прозрачной
Течёт шурша –
Таков и он, любовник неудачный,
Его душа;
Беспечным мотыльком летел на пламя –
Сгорел, коснувшись пламени крылами;
Всех любящих проклятье и беда –
Во прахе сгинув без следа,
В часах песочных течь туда-сюда.


Consider this small dust, here in the glass,
By atoms mov’d:
Could you believe that this the body was
Of one that lov’d;
And in his mistress’ flame playing like a fly,
Was turned to cinders by her eye:
Yes; and in death, as life unblest,
To have’t exprest,
Even ashes of lovers find no rest.
