The Well upon the Brook by Emily Dickinson

На кладезь при ручье
рассчитывать смешно...
Ручьи новить - ручьям,
питает глуби - дно!

На кладезь при ручье
надеяться-то глупь...
Ручьи новить - ручьям,
питает кладезь - глубь!

(О кладезях, криницах переводил однажды:
"Я знаю, где ключам криниц
промыть к расцвету глубь".)
 [David Preest:
A Well cannot get its water from a Brook but only
from the ‘failless Ground,’ whereas a Brook can have
its water renewed from other Brooks. Perhaps Emily
is suggesting that a shallow person can be sustained 
sufficiently by other shallow persons, but a deep person,
like herself, needs deep sustenance, and would be foolish
to depend on shallow persons.]

The Well upon the Brook by Emily Dickinson

The Well upon the Brook
Were foolish to depend --
Let Brooks -- renew of Brooks --
But Wells -- of failless Ground!
