Fidget gnome Гном непоседа

Big rose bush is his good home
He's a scientist, fidget gnome
Every morning, he got up
Made himself cocoa cup
He read, counted and draw
And he studied natural laws
Always knew what should be done
And he was a very fun


How to make tasty milkshakes
And how to create snowflakes,
Crystal growth, fraction weight
Why don't all trees grow great
All that is needed, he will learn
Tells us everything he learned
 "Our great respect!" He earned
He is very funny and ever busy.
Making friends with a gnome is easy

And if something did not run
He did what needs to be done
Finds an interesting solution
Never stops mind evolution
Around itself, creates beauty
Knows how, to do his duty
Where is he, all flowers grow
Fruits turn tasty in a row!


And when evening lastly comes
Quietly playing his little drums
He admires the starry sky
Watching comets, as they fly
And then he takes the saxophone
lulls everyone its golden tone
So he lives in his good home
Our friend! Kind, happy gnome 


What he knows, he will tell.
If necessary, he will help.
If you need it, he will help.
He will show you the way.
he will achieve, Gnome, by the way.
Everything that seeks and wants.
When it's needed, he  say "don't!".
Fidget, scientist, nice Gnome.
Giant Kind Heart in our Gnome.


© Alexander Povshenko

Перевод песенки Надя Краун
