At last, to be identified! by Emily Dickinson

Узнаться, слиться! Наконец!
Всё зренье - жизни Твоих мест,
чтоб впредь своя видна!

За тьмой! звездой рассветной мглы!
восходом! дали вёрст легли
от стоп моих - до Дня!

[David Preest:
This poem was written on the same sheet
of paper as poem 172, and Ruth Miller
believes that, as in the last stanza of
the earlier poem, it is a cry of triumph
as she imagines her verse accepted and
recognised. To be identified as a poet is
to see the rest of life with a light shining
on it coming from herself. But the struggle
has been a long one as she traversed the leagues
from the dark Midnight where she was unknown
to the full daylight of her recognition as a poet.
Judith Farr, on the other hand, believes that
the poem is the words of the risen
soul as it reaches the Day of eternal life.
The editors of the 1890 poems also took this
view, as they titled the poem Resurgam
(the Latin for I shall arise).]

At last, to be identified! by Emily Dickinson

At last, to be identified!
At last, the lamps upon thy side
The rest of Life to see!

Past Midnight! Past the Morning Star!
Past Sunrise! Ah, What leagues there were
Between our feet, and Day!
