Старый король Койль

[Russian balalaika and Russian accordion]

Давным-давно жил-был король
Весёлый, добрый Койль,
Хоть стар он был, но всё равно
Смеялся и шутил!

[Instrumental reprise]

И он велел подать себе
Вина и табаку,
И три весёлых скрипача
Играли бы ему!

[Instrumental reprise]

И всяк скрипач играл как бог,
И первым был средь них
(Twee tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee!)
Пока не падал с ног.

[Instrumental reprise]

О, сколько лет с тех пор прошло,
Никто так не играл,
Как музыканты те давно
Для Койля короля!

[Instrumental reprise]

[Verse 2]
Давным-давно жил-был король
Весёлый, добрый Койль,
Хоть стар он был, но всё равно
Смеялся и шутил!

[Instrumental reprise]

И он велел подать себе
Вина и табаку,
И три весёлых трубача
В придачу ко всему!

[Instrumental reprise]

И дули в трубы трубачи,
И всяк играл, как чёрт!
(Twang, twang-a-twang!)
Пока в ногах был твёрд!

[Instrumental reprise]

О, сколько лет с тех пор прошло,
Никто так не играл,
Как музыканты те давно
Для Койля короля!

[Instrumental reprise]

[Verse 3]
Давным-давно жил-был король
Весёлый, добрый Койль,
Хоть стар он был, но всё равно
Смеялся и шутил!

[Instrumental reprise]

И он велел подать себе
Вина и табаку,
И три волынщика ему
Прислали б ко двору!

[Instrumental reprise]

И всяк волынщик был герой,
Как храбрый Робин Гуд,
(Then tootle, tootle-too, tootle-too!)
Пока не унесут!

[Instrumental reprise]

О, сколько лет с тех пор прошло,
Никто так не играл,
Как музыканты те давно
Для Койля короля!

[Instrumental reprise]

[Verse 4]
Давным-давно жил-был король
Весёлый, добрый Койль,
Хоть стар он был, но всё равно
Смеялся и шутил!

[Instrumental reprise]

И он велел подать себе
Вина и табаку,
И барабаны пускай бьют
Ему бы старику!

[Instrumental reprise]

И вот три барабана в ряд
Трещат бравурный марш,
(Then rub-a-dub, a-dub, rub-a-dub!)
Что стены все дрожат!

[Instrumental reprise]

И всякий павший тут же встал
Под звон заздравных чаш…
И веселее, чем тогда,
Никто уж не играл
Тех музыкантов пьяных в хлам
Для Койля короля!

(Tootle, tootle-too, tootle-too,
Twang, twang-a-twang, twang-a-twang,
Twee, tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee!)

(Tootle, tootle-too, tootle-too,
Twang, twang-a-twang, twang-a-twang,
Twee, tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee!)

(Tootle, tootle-too, tootle-too,
Twang, twang-a-twang, twang-a-twang,
Twee, tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee!)

(Tootle, tootle-too, tootle-too,
Twang, twang-a-twang, twang-a-twang,
Twee, tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee!)


Old king Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he;
He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,
And he called for his fiddlers three!
Every fiddler he had a fiddle,
And a very fine fiddle had he;
Twee tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee, went the fiddlers.
Oh, there's none so rare as can compare
With King Cole and his fiddlers three.

Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he;
He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,
And he called for his harpers three.
Every harper he had a fine harp,
And a very fine harp had he.
Twang, twang-a-twang went the harpers,
Twee, tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee went the fiddlers.
Oh, there's none so rare as can compare
With King Cole and his harpers three!

Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he;
He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,
And he called for his pipers three.
Every piper he had a fine pipe,
And a very fine pipe had he.
Then tootle, tootle-too, tootle-too went the pipers,
Twang, twang-a-twang, twang-a-twang went the harpers,
Twee, tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee went the fiddlers.
Oh, there's none so rare as can compare
With King Cole and his pipers three!

Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he;
He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,
And he called for his drummers three.
Every drummer he had a fine drum,
And a very fine drum had he.
Then rub-a-dub, a-dub, rub-a-dub went the drummers,
Tootle, tootle-too, tootle-too went the pipers.
Twang, twang-a-twang, twang-a-twang went the harpers,
Twee, tweedle-dee, tweedle-dee went the fiddlers.
Oh, there's none so rare as can compare
With King Cole and his drummers three!
