I m proud of you


I had a dream tonight,
I was reading you my poems
You were my first listener
At last we were together,
In three languages at once.

I read my English poetry
You looked at me amazed
I even translated it
With a gentle sigh
And I didn’t hesitate

My darling, soon, so shortly
I’ll start speaking English smoothly
I’ll be a poet, famous and notable
And you will be proud of me,
You’ll say: My angel! once again.

You’ll say: I love you, my Darling, my heart
And you’ll whisper love words to my ear
You’ll say that you love me to everyone.
I’m proud of you too, my love
My honey, my sunshine, my soul.


AP (the original version – pl)

I liked your poem. There is a common language for all nations of the World- the language of Love.

Карине Саркисян   19.05.2016 18:40     Заявить о нарушении
Karin thank you very much. It is true!

Алла Польская   21.05.2016 01:36   Заявить о нарушении