The voice I hear-английская версия Esista una voce

The voice I hear
Behind my back
It's strong and clear,
It's fast and slow
As night it's black
As white as snow
It means too much
Than other sound
I know
There's no such
Up in the skies,
Down on the ground
It has no price.
As cold as ice,
Than summer warmer.
You gonna trust
In every corner:
As wind it's fast,
As deep as wounds
Inside my soul
It simply stole
With all its sounds.
As sugar sweet,
And maybe sweeter
But also bitter.
It tastes like weed.
When it's to spread
It starts to grow
As blood it's red,
As white as snow.
The voice I heard
No longer sounds.
It flied as bird
Away in clouds.
From now and then
I can't come close,
Your biggest fan,
Your faded rose.
