Smile and Thank!

I could say so:  Please, tell me, my friends,
Can you stop wind or say where it ends?
If the sun-shine were losing its heat
All the world would be covered in ice.
If the river were holding its water,
Then the valley would lose all its life.
Were love given just in return
Or to those only who have it earned -
Half the soul would be dying of pain,
We would beg for love, crying in vain,
Life would be then enclosed in a fence,
‘Love your Neighbour’ become an offence.

Do not lock you Love, let it be free!
Let it flow all around you, like light,
Don’t be bound by the fear ‘to lose’,
Share all what you have with a friend.
Radiate, give, enjoying the warmth
That with gratitude comes in return,
Join the Happiness flowing with life,
Get and emanate Light! And your soul
From the Love you give out will bloom
And be quietly breathing in joy
While that energy born to create
Will then fill all the world with your LOVE!

That’s the law: To become full of life
You Accept, Emanate, Give away!
Then  Enjoy, Love, be Free,
Smile and Thank!

15 мая 2013

Перевод Натальи Рябовой
