
when they stood as what they will become
twining from the rivers silk and rustling of the silk and birds
under what will become their feet in dance of the lights
stones wandered

did the Sun became to see
or look at the mountains walk to the over the forest
going there later with the knowledge that there is only decline
going there later but know

sending rays in the ways of yourself
connecting with stones in the bridge to observe
to shine
does Phoebus starts with “f”


converse \ (in)verse
the path is always one from all of many doors
and all of them are exit from the present
like a silk beam from the whistling birds

was Ariadne's song a joy
to Theseus departing in / to sunset
behind the forest
was the sun waiting

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Артём Михеев2   12.03.2024 00:55     Заявить о нарушении
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Грмагистр   12.03.2024 04:13   Заявить о нарушении