Feed the demon made of steel

feed the demon made of steel
you are fooled by what you feel
it is better than reality
this world is way more real

in your brain is demonseed so
you can't hide
from the evil you are carrying deep inside
eat the creature that you feed
kill yourself inside the foe
only holograms to watch this tragic show

feed the demon made of steel
with your blood and through your skin
you don't know who is your master
but before him you must kneel

independence is a sin
wheel of fortune Ferris wheel
you can't stop it nor abandon
as a lottery is random
cab where you're locked
and it never gonna stop to spin

no need to sell your soul
from birth it's sold
just maybe choose the black hole
as grow old

feed the demon made of iron
your creation and your lord
feed your warder, savior, tyrant
the divine
mental martyr with stigmata on your spine
accused as possessed for voices you heard

all desires in the wires
endless faces endless hands
truth invented by the liars
will replaced with code commands

there is no exit
don't even try
and maybe will be heard your prayers
the greatest virtue
is to deny
all the suspecting are betrayers

it's good to watch you from behind your creed
the demon always waits for you to feed
invisible all-seeing Electric Eye
you are the perfect prey as you deny
stability and justice is so splendid
the preacher's candied tongue but cameras are candid

the ignorant are blessed
no time to feel oppressed

sacrifice forgotten flesh
other one you get as hallow
but your soul is in the cache
safest way is straight and narrow

even smile
you wear
is a file
and air
that you breathe

so feed the demon,
make a sacrifice
to watch one more HD VR sunrise

skyscrapers for the sacred pyramids
and everyone is wearing demonseed as crucifix
the Liberty holds syringe filled with water of Styx

rest in peace
redeem your sin
while he eats
you from within
every vaccine is a bite
for your host and parasite

feed him like the fire
where you will burn
through the thickest wire
church of no return

it's symbiosis
your fake and real lives unite
and killing him you die yourself as parasite
