Living in the Light

When we are walking in the Light,
who is no-one but Jesus,
the road becomes then a delight,
for He is always with us.

The worldly people cannot see
more than world around,
but when God's light in us, then we
live by Christ's beauty bound.

When He our ways illuminates,
we follow Jesus humbly,
and see afar the Heaven's gates,
and walk without stumbling.

We see, when we by Him are led,
with our inner eyes,
and if we on His Word are fed,
we can sift truth from lies.

We notice dangers on the way,
the Bible warns about,
so no-one can trip or sway
a Christian devout.

Oh, we may struggle, toil and sweat,
or know grief untold,
still, all God's promises ahead,
are worth far more than gold.

We trust, salvation of the soul
is worth all this endeavour
because in front there is a goal -
to be with Him forever.

We see another world, divine,
invisible for now,
and in God's glory we will shine,
when we to Jesus bow.

