For all Russian military!

Вдохновлённая стихом Кати Огонёк «За Мальчиков России!»,создала свое произведение на нынешнее политическое состояние дел,а это вариант перевода моего произведения на английский,сделанный лично мною за месяц.
Inspired by Katya Ogonyok's poem "For the Boys of Russia!", she created her work on the current political state of affairs.
Yes, I am for my country, our common Motherland, for help and support to those who need it now, I am glad that we never leave anyone in trouble, so I am for the decisions of our military and the Government, since this horror will not last longer could continue, it was impossible to do without our intervention, how much it was possible to continue to torment the inhabitants, and most importantly, before the collapse of the common country, we were all together, spoke our native common language, we have a common history and faith, and what happened after the collapse, everyone quickly defiled everything and forgot, but the western part did it, which even before that cursed everything in common, and in the Second World War with loaves and flowers, kisses and joy met the Nazis on that land, and only the east, north and south fought against this muck ! So from the collapse of these parts, they remained devoted to all the past, close language and faith, were friendly and kind to us, now we must help them, we simply have to, albeit terrible, sad and bitter, these new losses!
They were the first to start this whole “mess”, and we will finish it, - We, having put all our strength into this matter, one way or another, but someone needed to prove the truth to everyone, show them how wrong they are, and someone then it was necessary to stand up for those who needed help and support! Whether they like it or not, we will end this injustice and finish everything that was not started long ago by us!
I don’t need reviews, communication with me on these problems, criticism, advice, discussions on these topics, discussions of the SМО itself, etc., I don’t expect them, even against this, and therefore, any attempts at aggression / anger / bile will be stopped , after that you will never visit my page!
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Therefore, I advise you: read it, if it is very interesting, I will only be very happy about it, I am glad for new guests, and if my work is not interesting against this, then do not write anything, otherwise I will block all attempts!

Katya Ogonyok had her own view on the state of things of that period, and I have my own, although the verse / song is very unique in its own way.
"For all the Russian military!"
“For Orthodox, and not only Russian, Russian-speaking boys, guys, men, girls and women, brave, strong, proud, courageous, brave, worthy in every sense, courageous, who serve and fight, who protect our common fraternal people, from this dirt, real modern evil spirits, they save us from real Herods, thanks to them for going forward so boldly, they know how everything can end, but do not be afraid, because - “There is such a profession, to defend the Motherland”, and how inside both at the borders and outside, if something serious threatens us, and also for the brave service animals, which, like people, faithfully and devotedly serve the Fatherland, giving their lives!
P.S. A low bow and thanks for everything, to all these Heroes, both alive and returning home, who have already left us for another world, and to them, apart from everything, - Bright and Eternal memory! No one is forgotten, no one will be forgotten, and nothing will be forgotten !
And also thanks to Katya Ogonyok for this work, which inspired me to write my own, even if it's a completely different style, it's not a verse, but still the main thing is relevant!

My work, on the verse of Katya Ogonyok, wrote as much time as I needed and necessary, deleted something, added something new, and this no longer turned out to be a verse, but as a letter-message about what is happening:

"Today again in honor of the coke clown,
A merry banquet at the Nazi level,
And tomorrow in honor of the jester of the Americans,
A big reception-banquet, at the highest level again...
Foreign guests will come again,
Shake hands with each other,
The jester will be hugged, sorry,
And kiss hard in a hickey,
Or maybe later, almost in the ass,
They will order again, to sit, to the foot,
Play like Uncle Sam,
And somewhere our BTEers are burning down,
And the death of a Russian son, mother mourns,
And somewhere they burn out, Ukrainian "bteers",
And the Ukrainian son's death, mother mourns!

Russian boys are coming,
Defend rights, freedom, life,
Shooting accurately, exactly at the target...
Russian boys are coming to destroy the genocide,
Shooting accurately, exactly at the target....
Russian men are coming,
Protect our Soviet Veterans,
Shooting clearly, accurately,
Right on target...
Russian soldiers are coming,
Defend the blood Great Victory,
And shooting clearly, accurately,
Right on target...
Their, in principle, cold-bloodedly,
Thrown into this everyday Hell!
Because it's necessary, otherwise, there's no way,
For a brave deed, for a true goal,
Since there is no other choice...
And this clown is coke, bloodthirsty,
Doesn't want any compromise,
Does not want to stop hostility, fire,
Spitting falsely on any truce,
Gives us a reason again and again,
Throw guys, boys,
In this everyday Hell….
He rejects all negotiations,
And not wanting to stop fighting,
This jester and clown throws again and again,
Your boys to this Hell! ...

At a big banquet, shaking the walls,
All our Secular Elite,
The whole political backbone,
In suits, and in tailcoats, from Cardin,
Raise up glasses of champagne, for the victory,
For all our Russian military...
And again, in suits and tailcoats from Armani,
For our boys and Russian boys,
Raise up, glasses of expensive cognac....
And at the Ukrainian big banquet, shaking the walls,
All their fascist elite, all of them,
Nazi, coke bones,
Raise up the Schramsberg glasses,
For Uncle Sam, damned Poles and Grandfather pedophile,
The glasses of Zekt are raised up,
For Stepan and Simon, their teachers, friends….
All their henchmen're coming out nationalists,
In Hugo Boss suits and tailcoats,
For the boys of Ukraine, they drink the Poles to Seniorina!

We can't deal with evil,
With insidious injustice,
And again, again we rush into battle,
To defend all honor and truth....
And on the Ukrainian trodden land,
For all of them all,for a long time do not care:
For all that is good and holy,
For all goodness and friendship,
For babies and pregnant women,
For women, teenagers and old people,
On faith, on the cry for help of the Churches,
On Veterans, on the common history of peoples,
For all the support they have for years,
And to the Great Victory, our own,
What is forever in our hearts...
They do not understand,they won’t understand,
And do not want to understand,
It's useless to explain in words,
So we had to use force,
To give protection, to help all those,
Who sincerely asked for support,
To save from the monsters "Tornado" and "Azov",
And full of scumbags of the Right Sectors!…

Despite this truth, the verity in everything,
The fruits of any war,sad ones,
And on both sides,alas,an indisputable fact:
Under cover of the dark night,
Hurry back home,
In all parts of the two-hundredth wagons,
And in them the bodies of Russian soldiers,
And in them,our dead soldiers,
And silence,with its farewell ringing,
Mourns the grief of each of our Mothers...
There is silence here,it does not last long,
But, no matter how long ago,she needs to be,
And again the battle,the bloody tornado flies,
Over the heads of our common sons...
It's the same there... Under cover of the dark night,
Hurry,home back very soon,
In all parts of the two-hundredth wagons,
And in them the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers,
And in them,the dead clown puppets,
And silence,with its farewell ringing,
Mourning grief,those every Mothers...
Silence again,it does not last long,
But,no matter how long ago,she needs to be,
And again the battle,the bloody tornado flies,
Over the heads of "toy robots",a fascist jester!....

At a big banquet,shaking the walls,
All our Secular Elite,
The whole political backbone,
In suits,and in tailcoats,from Cardin,
Raise up glasses of champagne,for the victory,
For all our Russian military...
And again,in suits and tailcoats from Armani,
For our boys and Russian boys,
Raise up,glasses of expensive cognac....
And at the Ukrainian big banquet,shaking the walls,
All their fascist elite,all of them,
Nazi, coke bones,
Raise up the Schramsberg glasses,
For Uncle Sam,damned Poles and Grandfather pedophile,
The glasses of Zekt are raised up,
For Stepan and Simon,their teachers,friends….
All their henchmen're coming out nationalists,
In Hugo Boss suits and tailcoats,
For the boys of Ukraine,they drink the Poles to Seniorina!

Our different boys are coming,
To all Nazism and fascism,
Finally put an end.
Even though they are not yet able to fight,
But, they are very eager to help everyone,
And the creatures are shooting at their backs,
And as always on the sly,
They stick it with an insidious Finn,into their sides....
Our boys and boys are coming,
Revenge for the Orthodox Russian speakers,
They go to stop all sorts of mockery,
To help people who are so close to us,
To support,there is a common people,
What is merged with us,one for two,
History and bitter fate!...

Our men are coming,
And the boys are with them,
To no longer extend,
And for nothing,do not repeat,
Those bitter tears,suffering,
Those torments of injustice,
Those terrible,horrible eight years.
They walk proudly,
Feeling sorry for yourself,
For the sake of goodness,truth,verity,unity,
This is where our main strength lies.
Our boys,guys,men are coming,
They boldly go forward,
Carrying out big tasks,
For the sake of spiritual,
Values,and any family,
For the sake of the Holiness,common memory,
The whole history of,
Our fathers and grandfathers,
Go for justice and vengeance,
Sons and grandchildren,
All our brothers and husbands,
And even,daughters,someone's sisters,
Beloved ones are coming,
All relatives,kinfolks!...

Alas,great losses have been,
Going on for a long time,
And the count is already on the new year,
But,this is important,only we need,
All the rest,now do not understand anything,
Rather,they do not want,
To penetrate and understand,
They don't need to say anything,
They didn't suffer like that,
They are not Donbass-Lugansk.
Although many are unfair to us,
Forgotten friendship,all the past good and boon,
But I believe that this day will come,
When the whole world understands and realizes,
What is it for them,an invaluable gift,
Live peacefully,quietly and calmly,
Without any Nazism and fascism,
Where,there are no new gangs of SS racism at hand!...

But,it will be later,but for now,
Doesn't want coke clown to compromise,
And new contracts,he does not need,
He continues mean,low,dirty game,
Kissing hands,feet,masters of their destiny,
And every day mercilessly,
So vile,dirty,cold-blooded,
Throws into this terrible Hell,
Their own new boys of the country.
He doesn't want to hear,
Anything in the world,
And more about new changes,
He is seduced,only billions of dollars,
And in order to remain,
In history,a brand new Adolf,
Or maybe even a new Bonaparte.
But,the essence is the same:
We have clear,good goals,
In trouble,we will not,
Be able to leave people,
They are waiting for help,support,
And so they need protection every day,
We are for peace,without Nazism,
And a bright future for children,
Where will there be a place for Orthodoxy,
And the place of memory,
Of the Victory,and all its Heroes...
And this clown does not compromise with us,
Not going to live peacefully,ending his war,
As for him,even his "colleagues" began,
Bloodthirstyly prolonging it for many years,
And we again have to answer,
Again and newly,again and newly,
Throw your military guys,
Into this so far everyday and endless Hell!…

At a big banquet,shaking the walls,
All our Secular Elite,
The whole political backbone,
In suits,and in tailcoats,from Cardin,
Raise up glasses of champagne,for the victory,
For all our Russian military...
And again,in suits and tailcoats from Armani,
For our boys and Russian boys,
Raise up,glasses of expensive cognac....
And at the Ukrainian big banquet,shaking the walls,
All their fascist elite,all of them,
Nazi, coke bones,
Raise up the Schramsberg glasses,
For Uncle Sam,damned Poles and Grandfather pedophile,
The glasses of Zekt are raised up,
For Stepan and Simon,their teachers,friends….
All their henchmen're coming out nationalists,
In Hugo Boss suits and tailcoats,
For the boys of Ukraine,they drink the Poles to Seniorina!

