Dmitry Bliznyuk. She dashed into the room

she dashed into the room
through the concrete block
under the black sails of scorched curtains.
aged the wallpaper, melted down the plastic.
threw in my face
a fistful of barbed Z-s.
left a plaster powdered dessert
on the writing table,
a bundle of newborn rats,
then pivoted and left
through a newly added door in the ceiling,
spitted out on her way:
you will never write
anything again.

(from Russian)

Дмитрий Близнюк


ворвалась в комнату
сквозь бетонный блок
на черных парусах опаленных гардин.
состарила обои, расплавила пластик.
швырнула мне в лицо
жменю колючих z.
оставила угощение на письменном столе,
присыпанное кусками штукатурки -
новорожденных крысят.
развернулась и ушла
сквозь новоявленную дверь в потолке.
напоследок бросила:
ты больше никогда ничего
не напишешь.

(she) dashed into the room
through the block of concre[a]te
waving? - or brought - by the black sails of scorched curtains.
aged the wallpaper, melted down the plastic.
threw in my face
a handful (fistful, rather -handful means something different) of barbed Z-s.
left the treat (I'd say, "dessert")
powdered by stucco (ni v koem slucae! – rather, by the pieces of plaster)

No, I'd say, "plaster powdered dessert")
on the writing table,
a bundle of newborn rats,
then pivoted and left
through a newly added door in the ceiling.
slurred on the way out: (Why slurred?! you can do better!)
you will never write
anything again.

Галина Иззьер   18.07.2022 03:57     Заявить о нарушении
Галя, спасибо большое. all makes sense. работаю.

Валентин Емелин   18.07.2022 16:13   Заявить о нарушении
thanks again. corrected

Валентин Емелин   18.07.2022 23:39   Заявить о нарушении
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