Your Majesty

Задумывалось как песня, но британскими подданными не было одобрено :)) Поэтому пусть остается стихотворением. Начиталась про "дворцовые интриги", Меган Маркл... Принцессы-то уже не те. В общем, взгляд со стороны.

Time will pass by
But what we remember
The kings and the queens and how they did
One thing they will  never
Ever surrender
The royalty, throne  and secrets they hid

You Majesty, You’re about to miss
The honor, the glory and country
Twas build by Empire through out centuries
For all your descendants and gentry.

Nothing seems break
This powerful neck
You have been remained forever
The real sad truth
Is so close to you
And this is new-entry called Megxit*
She’s smashing your crown,
Destroying your throne
In a such disobedient manner
I bet she was dreaming to marry a prince
But Meghan’s by no means Diana.

*О том, что такое Megxit здесь:
