Мы больше не те

Time erected high walls between you and me

Time dissolved the memories of yours, the tenderness of the fibers of my heart and prompted us to the final and irrevocable point: splitting...up..

We are not the part of the same anymore
(Distant coquette laugh)
Your words are only the echo of voluptuousness of the evening restaurant hubbub, the shadow cast by streetlight pale illumination

We were distanced somehow
Who knows why...

I guess some people can't run away from themselves forever
I guess everything has its limit

(A woman whispering) some answers are hidden beneath our realization

Who are you for me now?
Someone whose face i can't recollect
Whose story I tore apart
A faded memory
of that

Open your eyes
(Touched her cheek)
The clock ticks
We are not the same anymore ...
