
I opened my eyes to shudder
The drops of water kept seeping through the straw roof
Reaching my cheek
And I could hardly move while turning to the left side of the bed stretching my hand to catch the ringing clock.
2 am

(heavily breathing)

Another nightmare,
Firing, again

You were supposed to get back on the 16th of July but we got no note from you, neither the clue, the cipher, anything. You can’t do that to me, I know something’s wrong

I’m stepping to the window panes, clenching them with my blood stained hands and opening the door with a twist. My hair is blowing in the wind welcoming the frosty bitter of upcoming storm.

I’m standing there, bare-foot

Peering into shimmering horizon

Swans are floating in the distance

They have no idea
I miss you

(фото сделано мной)
