And I thought you were happy! Я-то думал, вы счаст

Мой новый личный перевод текста-песни Группы Белый Орёл-"А я-то думал,вы счастливая!".Это был еще один,новый опыт перевода.Очень понравилось!Спасибо за такие прекрасные тексты и песни!...

Lyrics of the group White Eagle - "And I thought you were happy."
 And I thought,
 -You are happy,
 When alone on,
 the slope of the day,
 You walked so proud,
 And they did not look at me.

 And I thought,
 -You are happy,
 I thought you were,
 happier than everyone,
 When I looked,
 playful in the eyes,
 When the merry heard a laugh.

 The eyes are tender and strict,
 But they have anxiety,
 trouble in them,
 Probably,many loved you,
 But you - never loved.

 Lovers look at you,
 They don’t,
 understand from afar,
 That you have not,
 longed for melancholy,
  Holy female longing.
 And one thought,
 is irresistible...
 It doesn’t let,
 you sleep or live,
  What is not enough,
 - to be loved,
 What should be loving!

 Holy, proud, beautiful,
 I hear your cheerful laugh.
 And I thought you were happy,
 I thought you were the happiest!

5-8 June 2020.
