The Star

Such a wonderful life! ..
You are closing your eyes in amaze
you just don't understand: all that's happening about?...
You thought: "Oh, woman!"
And this is a star, and you're brazed!
brazed together...
And the night's already running out ...

Such a wonderful life -
like fire - so wild, so bright...
Stars are shining at night, reflecting in mirrors ...
holding the fire in hands,
dreaming, kissing the light...
only at night...
in the afternoon it disappears! ..

Очень, очень, очень...

dreaming, kissing the light in tears,
only at night,
in the afternoon it disappears...

Витя Обрывкин   18.05.2024 11:19     Заявить о нарушении
Да ☺️☀️🔥
И по-русски неплохо 😉. Это перевод для не владеющих
Благодарю 🙏

Надя Бирру   18.05.2024 12:48   Заявить о нарушении
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