O. R. Just Hide My End...

Just hide my end,
Don’t let it fall upon my head,
Ain’t ready yet
To see this white light,
See above me a huge stain,
This one more “never” I won’t stand.

Just need a lie
Which makes forget you are not mine,
This only fact
I wanna stay yet blind at
Your perfect face, my sinful faith,
Please don’t remind what I won’t stand.

Save me again
Keeping the day yet far away,
To tell this truth
Don’t have the reason, keep me yours
Pass by whatever basely tempts - 
Another “never” I won’t stand.

Never too late
If you could turn to me your face,
Just heartbeats, they
Cannot be ever limitless.
I’m rising from ground and sand
Until your “never” I won’t stand. 

15 июля 2017
