Рецензия на «Однажды...» (Николас Деринг)

One day, when I had no more strength left,
after a week of fasting and cleansing,
I suddenly felt
radish taste
from childhood
when many things are for the first time...
and with me
a miracle happened -
I stopped depending on food...
and there, in itself, suddenly became strange to me...
and deception
became a reality -
I looked beyond stereotypes and instincts...
and like thunder I heard:
people are all asleep!
or program...
In short, the kilograms have gone
from the body
and tons of junk
from the brain...
And again I began to breathe in the clouds...
I wandered around in the rain with pleasure again...
and the sun gave strength
so much that photosynthesis rests...
and I again became on friendly terms with the Moon...
touched the stars with my hands...
and in the morning on the subway -
almost suffocated
between still sleeping bodies...
I wanted to wake everyone up
and make you laugh!
tell me what to love
and don't be afraid of the dark...
what everyone needs to do in this life
love, find and don't give up

Бабка Ежка   30.12.2023 03:59     Заявить о нарушении
Ник!.. очень сильные стихи по своей энергетике! просто потрясающе!
с наступающии Новым Годом!.. счастья и вдохновения!! здоровья!..
мирного неба!.. и новых замечательных стихов!.. обнимаю. Оля.

Бабка Ежка   30.12.2023 04:07   Заявить о нарушении

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