Рецензия на «Океан любви. текст песни» (Без Крыльев)

Здравствуйте. Понравилась Ваша большая песня. Балуясь иногда переводами (непрофессионально), вижу цель на завтра. То. что снизу - просто придумано на фоне стиха.
As long as love exists...
Dark skies and plunging mists...
Conceal their future plans...
Tо mother sweet romance...

С уважением, АЧ.

Андрей Чекмарев   24.01.2013 00:19     Заявить о нарушении
Здравствуйте. План выполнил. Конешно, можно улучшать. примите, пожалуйста, как набросок к большому ...***

Stars will blow out the candles of dawn.
Happiness comes, but so soon it is flown.
Happiness fills my poor heart with a pain.
I need you so, but can see love’s in vain.

One only time I would like see your eyes
I sing a song tender words and heart flies
I need your help to pick up precious love
Let’s ask for help mighty Gods high above

Love ocean.
Dark skies high above flies.
Something has happened with us. Not enough tries.
Nothing is happening just only so,
You are aware of it and I do know.
Stars are awarding not all, only those,
Who’s like a gull over sea bravely rolls.
But our love is not yet can be strong.
Waves cover me and to them I belong.

The Ocean so whispers No love you will have
Unless you are watered with holiness’ wave
I threw myself reckless into ocean’s deep
It kicked me high upwards and then kissed my lip
I had enough power to reach other bring.
I cried not believing and heard the ling sing.
You opened the secret of ocean at last.
The tears of the lover’s hearts have lovely taste.

Till hearts beat strong the world along -
That ocean ever sings its song.

It’s timeless and it has no scopes.
Till there is love. All hearts it tops.


Такие дела... С уважением, АЧ.

Андрей Чекмарев   24.01.2013 21:26   Заявить о нарушении

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