Puppuri Association

O wolves of Mibu. Yes. Same.
Gnaw your throat and smile at your enemy with strong wolf teeth.
You have no idea who I was quoting then.
And what? Apport. This is a wonderful world - a carnivorous flower.
Who is the flesh? Didn't you guess?
They trained him to bring slippers.
And you get the taste of blood with chocolate.

Oh no, the mockery is much more subtle.
You drew them, they are cartoon characters.
Any wolves.
Go cut your stomach, I'll help.
And role-playing games - the priest and the sacrificial ram swapped roles.
And all this is the digestive process of a predatory flower.

You can’t understand the system while you’re in the system, but it’s a yolk.
You quote yourself all the time.
Oh really?
You could be a hen or a rooster, but you, the egg, are my breakfast.
That's the point - it's not the wolf saying this.
All wolves are decals and stickers.

You can't talk to them, even the best ones sooner or later
What they essentially have in store will come out.
They will certainly drown you in their pus.
There are a lot of us, and a Ouija board, and they have a personal core.
Personal death is your passion, lover and adviser,
Yes, Henry? My hands could also be the hands of a pianist,
But not everyone is so lucky in life.

Don't you like pupuri? Why?
I think it's a most charming motive.
Well, yes, everyone knows this song and has been singing it in different ways for a thousand years.
“..we all could, but we stopped a long time ago and got screwed”
Secondary? A man killed a rabbit. Do you want some chocolate?

Chaos of war? Such overpopulation, just open another door.
No, Marie Antoinette didn't say that.
Well, because she didn’t have a second head for the scaffold yet.
This is a quote from a very authoritative classic.

Well, that is,
I also have one head.
Speaker, start any of your addresses to the crowd with this phrase.
A wolf eats a chocolate bar - how cute.
This combinatorics is tedious.
Creativity is a completely different process.

This boy, I don't even know what his name was,
He was so old, he was already seven years old.
He licked the candy and then put it there,
And then he ate her. My mouth was full of candy
he gave me the whole package. I liked it
that such an adult boy is friends with me.
It tastes like candy.
This is not creativity, this is the attic closet door opening slightly.
Close the.

Creativity comes out of nowhere -
magic and has no analogues or reasons -
Hypnosis means sleep.
Oh, I am a student of Erikson.
I'm nearby, but my voice will not accompany you =
You will be left with nothing.
Gabriel, you know, this is pretty dark humor.

No, this rabbit is out of a hat - everyone knows
sat from the very beginning with the magician wearing a hat,
there is a second bottom.
I don't like magic tricks, I don't like chocolate,
I'm almost a vegetarian sometimes.
Wolves? Well, all the wolves committed seppuku after they were drawn.

Don't like puppuri, Henry?
And these are very well-known motives.
"Hell will be what you make it."
God knows how many factory workers have stitched their fingers to match it.
We can no longer hide behind the wolf,
Well, we stuffed his stuffed animal with cotton wool ourselves.
Well, we can't talk to people anymore
Then our honorary membership in the werewolf club will be taken away.
Feeling chosen. How is it free for everyone?
This is a terrible contradiction, Henry.
Double importance under the guise of humility.
Well, we won’t tell anyone that our wolf is stuffed with cotton wool.

There is always an opportunity to look from a different angle.
Can your gun shoot around corners?
We bet this can't be true.
What sign was on this door?
It's the most important!

Well, I can deny you all existence.
Yes, a very powerful magician gave me this dangerous witchcraft.
Personally. This can only be conveyed in person.
Existence is illusory, time is a scam.
Deny yourself existence, first of all to yourself.
A lot of them are already fine grains – almost dust.
Who are you?
What about the first advisor?
Well, yes, we never consult with anyone anymore.
Ideal lover? They want you more than life.

You don't have to be so handsome, it's annoying.
Objectification. And not all, there are still healthy people on the planet.
Yes? In which room?
“Enter the address yourself” flyer?
No, well, we are still wolves, even after splitting into atoms,
training, seppuku and taxidermy and we don’t want to be completely healthy.
As you say.
Don't try to dominate.
It's not you in your reflection.
Who else is whose death?
This is an old koan
the spell is sewn into the effigy along with cotton wool.

Nobody argues.
Do you want to be a bunny? Your fangs in the hare's neck?
Do you want some chocolate? Neck and chocolate?
Maybe some lollipops?
You don't know what you want.
This is a stupor. Wolf Man.
Oh they were carried away by the superman.
Dualism - let's laugh in unison.
We probably read different Nietzsches.
They don’t hear him laughing every other line.
Yes, it was an inconspicuous man with a red daddy under his arm,
He got hit by a horse.
But the mechanism stops somewhere.
And your wisdom is very similar to utter nonsense.
Do you understand the word reflection at all?

Credit goes entirely to Computer Keyboard Ouija Board.
Well, she summoned the spirit of the late Hesse, and many people came. No, he didn’t come himself.
We sang pupuri from famous hits, whatever we liked.
But Goethe, Kant and Husserl did not sing, only the three of them danced the polka.
To me it seems to have worked out very well.
Henry, Harry, you are the best! How are the twins? There is a hundred years difference between you. It doesn't matter here, however.
