Ode to the John Lennon

  This music has really transformed our world,
melted  the stoned core of  Central Asia
(previous part of USSR) also,
in the time of Cold War and Iron Fences,
when our old fathers-communist leaders,
rotten in  stagnant power,
ruled by Soviet empire till the death,
so adamantly
fought  with freedom, capitalism and  Beatles also,
as with the decadence and poisoning art of dying West,
until USSR itself collapsed down from stupid governance
and violence and suppressing of rights of people.

By the way our olders knew
that according with  an ancient Kyrgyz prophesy 
every millennium bring to world the singer,
who might to crumble mountains and great evil empires
just with his stunning powerful songs.

Now we understand properly
who was been really John Lennon.

Thank forever, bard of millennium,
singer with Irish-Kyrgys roots,
the modern Ossian,
Orpheus who saved our world
and  broke prisons in East and West.
He deserved our deepest respect and love for that
in generation to generation
as long as sounds
this unusual music
here and everywhere -
Mind games, Stand by me, Imagine,
Girl, Instant karma, Across the Universe.
