here s the thing

here's the thing (about someone or something)

Used to introduce a statement meant to offer important insight into or information about someone or something.

Here's the thing. - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
here's the thing (about someone or something) (redirected from Here's the thing.)
here's the thing (about someone or something)
Used to introduce a statement meant to offer important insight into or information about someone or something.

A: "I don't understand. Weren't you happy with my work?"
B: "I am, Tom, but here's the thing. The industry is evolving rapidly, and we just don't have a position like yours in our plans for the future."

A: "I don't get why she's acting this way."
B: "Here's the thing about Sally. One moment, she's your best friend in the whole world. The next, she barely gives you the time of day."

OK, here's the thing about this car. If you don't press on the gas pedal just right, the engine will stall whenever you try to start it.
See also: someone, thing
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
See also:

introduce the shoemaker to the tailor
this just in
teachable moment
for the best
all for the best
experiment (up)on (someone or something)
experiment on

in German:
Die Sache ist die, dass

In Kantian philosophy, the thing-in-itself (German: Ding an sich) is the status of objects as they are, independent of representation and observation. The concept of the thing-in-itself was introduced by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, and over the following centuries was met with controversy among later philosophers. It is closely related to Kant's concept of noumena or the objects of inquiry, as opposed to phenomena, its manifestations.

F. H. Jacobi
The first to criticize the concept of a thing-in-itself was F. H. Jacobi, with the expression:

I could not enter into the system without the assumption of the concept of the thing-in-itself and, on the other hand, I could not remain in it with this concept.

Here's the thing about the concept of the thing-in-itself: at one hand, the things are able to be understood, on the other hand they aren't ... "
