
Рукопись Войнича написана как минимум шестью людьми. Это были либо сами авторы, либо писари из монастырской артели, выполняющие заказ авторов на основе их эскизов. Рукопись была написана с определенной целью, так как пергамент был очень дорогим и был куплен для реализации проекта. Я считаю, что это - гениальная имитация гадальной книги, использовавшаяся для предсказаний и постановки диагнозов с целью привлечения богатых клиентов в аптеки и лечебные учреждения. Рукопись использовалась на сеансах белой магии в высшем обществе.

The Voynich manuscript was written by at least six people. These were either the authors themselves, or scribes from the monastery artel, carrying out the orders of the authors based on their sketches. The manuscript was written for a specific purpose, as the parchment was very expensive and was purchased for the project. I believe that this is an ingenious imitation of a fortune-telling book, used for predictions and diagnoses in order to attract wealthy clients to pharmacies and medical institutions. The manuscript was used in white magic sessions in high society.

   1. The Voynich Manuscript was written by at least six people. These were either the authors themselves, or scribes from the monastery artel, carrying out the orders of the authors based on their sketches. The manuscript was written for a specific commercial purpose, as parchment was very expensive at the time and was purchased for the project as a worthwhile investment. I believe that this is an ingenious imitation of a fortune-telling book, used for predictions and diagnoses in order to attract wealthy clients to pharmacies and medical institutions. The manuscript was used in white magic sessions in high society.
   2. Centers of events - Augsburg, Munich, Prague - the inner circle of Duke Albrecht III of Bavaria-Munich and Emperor Sigismund I of Luxembourg.
   3. Group of putative collective authors: Kaspar Bernauer, Johannes Hartlieb, Jacob Pueterich von Reichertshausen, Abraham von Worms and from three to seven more specialists in the field of balneology, herbal medicine, pharmacology, gynecology, astrology, cryptography, cosmology and white magic.
   4. Jakob Puetherich von Reichertshausen (1400–1469) was one of the most trusted advisors of Duke Albrecht III, whom he also served as an accomplished diplomat, and it was most likely he who wrote the Voynich Manuscript along with Dr. Hartlieb and company.
   5. The group developed an imitation font and created the Voynich Manuscript for white magic sessions in order to attract clients to pharmacies, medicinal baths, clinics, etc.
   6. There are three candidates for the prototype castle from the Voynich Manuscript: Blutenburg Castle, Nannhofen Castle and Pasing Castle (Wasserschloss Blutenburg, Wasserschloss Nannhofen und Wasserschloss Pasing). It was in these castles that white magic sessions using the Voynich Manuscript were held.
   7. There could be several copies of the Voynich Manuscript, and they differed from each other. Perhaps several fragments from different versions of the manuscript survived, and then they were put together.
   8. One of the copies was presented to Anna of Brunswick (Anna von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen) and then went to Emperor Rudolph II. Or maybe Emperor Rudolf II owned another copy of the manuscript from the library of his predecessors - Emperor Sigismund I of Luxembourg and intermediate successors. The third version is that Karl Widemann bought several fragments of the manuscript from the descendants of its creators and then sold or donated them to Emperor Rudolf II.
