
“To You, The Super Teens and Team of ILSS-2016”

I was so pleased to get acquainted with these amazing teens!
Not always one has a chance to work with those who have such wonderful genes!
Thoughtful and always curious,
Energetic, fast and furious;
Ready for any task you give, and
Never being lazy, – always talkative!
Amiable, and a bit demanding,
They did their best when “language gliding”!
In the class the teens spoke up,
On the balcony they relaxed and danced)
Not a single moment without English –
Ambition to master it
Led them to the Shakespearean language!

Lots of activities, dialogues in pairs,
Around-the-city- and webquests…
‘Never give up’— is the motto of theirs!
Gorgeous Dali,
Unforgettable time!
All we put effort into –
Ground for pride,
Extra pleasant ‘memory slides’!

Super teachers honed the students’ skills,
Unique volunteers added some entertaining thrill!
Marvellous Michael, Daniela, and James,
Mistress Denis, Olivia, Voja, Sharon –
Everyone kept English-speaking territory on!
Remembered, besides, to have fun after all!

Surely this was amazing!
Clearly – a must to repeat!
Hopefully, we’ll gather next summer again,
Or continue the project during this academic ‘lane’…
Or at least keep in contact until some time… when we do come back to win new
Linguistic achievements and feel this enormous English drive!

Yours sincerely,
Olga Yarygina
September 8, 2016
