Book of Knowledge. 1. 14. Keys

a novel by Alexandra Kryuchkova


Chapter 14. KEYS

We arrived at the exhibition an hour before its opening, and as soon as we entered the pavilion where the partner company’s stand was located, I froze being surrounded by doors. All sorts of doors one could imagine: classic and modern, wooden, metal and plastic, glass and mirror, hundreds of shades with endless variations of patterns and a myriad of built-in locks and handles, doors with and without illumination, closed, slightly and even completely wide open. I found myself in the real Kingdom of Doors. Noticing my confusion, an Italian colleague said, «The product we offer on the Italian market is intended mainly for door manufacturers, so our stand is located on their territory.»

Have you ever had problems with doors? On the eve of my business trip, an incredible story happened to me. Being the last one to leave the office that evening, I couldn’t close the front door to the building for about 15 minutes. As I got behind the wheel, I noticed the open door indicator light on, and it was on during my way home, even though I triple checked all the doors, including the trunk. Then I had to use a magic liquid for the lock of my garage. The intercom on the front door to my house was buggy and constantly gave an error. The elevator closed its doors, but didn’t move. It apparently had no intention of going anywhere; it was not part of its plans for that evening. I sighed, pressed the button of the ground floor, the doors opened. I walked up the stairs, but the door to our floor didn’t open either! The neighbor examined my key and came to the conclusion that some piece had broken off. Neither the neighbor nor I understood how a whole piece could break off from a metal key. However, it didn’t matter anymore. The doors to the Earthly Reality were closing for me, and the open door indicator in the car apparently belonged to Another Reality.

I like keys. There is something mysterious about them, from Another Reality. Once, in the country with many Buddhist and Hindu temples, I bought an intricate lock with two keys. I still don’t understand why. I was drawn to it. So it fulfills not its direct earthly mission, but a secret task of the Higher Forces that sent it to me. My favorite sign is the Egyptian Ankh, which means key. I mark with it my pictures about Another Reality. The Patriarch gave me an Ankh when I was returning to Earth from the Temple of my Soul. The program of RAM seminars is called «The Key».

Besides keys, I also inexplicably like butterflies. I surrounded myself with butterflies on all sides. Butterflies which I embroidered for about a year. Miniature figurines of butterfly girls. Butterflies under glass and butterflies out of glass. I have a dress with butterflies, a jacket with butterflies, shoes, a scarf and a bag with butterflies, various jewelry in the form of butterflies.

I had never wondered why they were so dear to me, until I was asked during a literary party what butterflies meant in general and for me in particular. It’s good that people can ask questions that make one think. Usually people have no time to think. Being asked, you need to answer, so you have to think, although this statement is true only in relation to people who are able to think in principle. Butterflies are something tender, light, airy, heavenly, beautiful and almost unearthly, magical. They are similar to what lives inside me. And, probably, not only in me, but in many others as well. Butterflies have wings. They not only can fly, but, basically, they are flying. Butterflies love the Light. Probably, I surrounded myself with butterflies so as not to accidentally forget about Another Reality, which not only surrounds me, but also lives in me.

I met Maria and we walked around the pavilions, exchanging our latest news. Of course, mostly about love. Or rather, about its absence — its presence in us and the absolute absence towards us in those we loved. Maria invited me to stay with her after the exhibition was over, but…

To get a visa, I had prepared a lot of documents in advance, having spent an insane amount of time. I like traveling to unknown points of the planet, opening them as an unread book. This is very interesting, like everything that contains an element of some new knowledge. Going to the same place is like reading a book from which I will learn nothing new, just waste precious time. This statement is true, except for the Places of Power, where one can return at the call of the Soul as many times as it wants.

I traveled to Italy quite often for work, and my boss advised me to apply for a multiple-entry annual business visa. One of the requirements for it was to provide an invitation, preferably with a note that the host party would cover all costs of your stay in Italy. I received such invitation for a year and made annual medical insurance, which obviously cost me more than insurance for a short-term period. The consulate also required to provide my personal account data, indicating the presence of a gigantic amount, which, of course, I didn’t have. The boss gave me the necessary amount for two days so that I had time to put it on my account, get the documents from my bank and immediately return the money to him. I didn’t understand why it was necessary for the consulate, in case the host party covered all my expenses, and it was a business trip for me. An employee had the right to have no bags of money in reserve. If all business travelers had had fabulous accounts, it would have meant that only millionaires worked with foreign countries, but everyone knew that millionaires didn’t work, since they watched others working.

I stopped by a branch of the largest bank, which actively advertised its impeccable customer service. After standing in line for about half an hour, I went to the window and said that I wanted to put money on my account and get a statement. The bank employee stretched sweetly, yawned and said that was the wrong window. I asked politely which was the right one.

The employee replied that it was probably the next. I stood in line at the next window, where the employee didn’t know what to do with people like me, so she left for advice. As a result, I was sent to the farthest window, which turned out to be… closed.

I came up to the window to the left of the closed one. The young man listened to me and was even about to say something in response, but his mobile phone rang. Having placed a «15 MINUTES BREAK» sign right in front of my nose, he disappeared.

At the last window they didn’t listen to me, but finally said, «100 rubles», and at my questioning glance they added, «for the paper». I think, if you were me at that moment, you would have agreed to 101 rubles, just to free yourself from the money you had borrowed before it disappeared. After ten minutes the girl prepared the papers and asked me to go to the cashier.

Having stood in line, I finally passed the heavy load into the hands of the cashier. She checked the money for lies, hid it and began typing something on the computer. Five minutes passed. The cashier was nervous, she frowned and called someone. Someone came and did something on her computer, but…

The cashier returned my burden to me, «We don’t know why, but we can’t put money on your account. Try going to the bank branch where it was opened for you.» It sounded promising. So I arrived where I had been sent, and received a ticket with the number of the electronic queue, in which there were 59 more people in front of me! I approached the administrator, explaining that I was late for the consulate, and was happy to hear the familiar, «100 rubles!»

Imagine my amazement when in the end I got… a multiple-entry tourist visa for three (!) days. So, having tried to count in my mind how many times in three days I could fly there and back, I said to Maria that I would definitely accept her invitation with pleasure, but… sometime later.

«Listen, Maria… I just can’t find the key. One of my Teachers said that I had been broken by the Black Shadow from There and there was no integrity in me. Like I’ve gone too far. I want to do something for the world, but I don’t know what exactly, therefore I don’t understand, what I’m doing here. For example, you, Maria, what are you doing here?»

«To be honest, I spend most of my lifetime on survival, but I also love. Don’t you love?»

«I love.»

«That’s it. You love with the Love of Another Reality, the Universal Love. Only those who have gone through a lot can love like that. Your love extends not only to the one you love non reciprocally. It just seems to you that it’s going into the Void. No, not into the Void, but into our world. Moreover, you are full of Light, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to love like that. So you give a little of your Light to everyone who communicates with you, and the world becomes brighter. That’s what you are doing here.»

«Okay, I agree. Who do you think defragmented me?»

«A person of Light has a rather strong protection, the one of the Higher Forces. Once you said that no one and nothing has any power over you, except for the person you love, that is, the Man Who Was Not. I think He did it. You love Him, therefore you take off your protection in front of Him and become defenseless, like a warrior returning from the battlefield, takes off his armor and leaves his sword in the hallway. He doesn’t expect someone to stab him suddenly in his own beloved home. Remember what happened the last time you saw Him.»

Oh, yes, the MWWN changed his face, and the Black Essence crawled out of His eyes bursting into many snakes.

«One of two things, Maria, either it’s not the Shadow from There, but the Man Who Was Not, or the Shadow from There settled into the MWWN to break me.»

«Or, Alice, the MWWN is that Shadow from There.»

«No, Maria. He is NOT from There! He really exists!»

«Another Reality really exists too, doesn’t it?»

«Are you saying that there is no the MWWN in the Earthly Reality?»

«It seems to me that you yourself called Him so. Alice, you are going to the mountains with RAM soon. She appeared in your life not by accident. The trip will be the beginning of something new and definitely bright for you.»

I didn’t know if RAM realized that she had kept me on Earth with her offer. I was interested in Another Reality much more than in the Earthly one for a long time. Everyone wanted to go with RAM to a place of power, but she used to collect a group herself and, usually, of no more than twenty people. The trip with her became a goal for me, automatically manifesting itself in the Future, which had seemed to be completely empty and closed just a day before.

I call it hammering a nail into the Future.

Imagine a bare gray wall. A man used to pass it by without paying any attention to it. However, the desired picture, which he will paint himself, will appear on that wall soon. The man has hammered a nail into the wall, which stimulates him and reminds him of the goal — the picture should be painted, and the wall should come to life. So the wall gradually comes to life, the man transforms it with the power of his thought, his imagination, with his whole being rushing to the moment when, finally, the picture decorates the bare wall. This program helps when working with seriously ill people and with those in the Void. True, you first need to find and begin to eliminate the cause of the disease or Emptiness, and simultaneously, work with nails.

The most difficult task is to select for a specific person something that he really wants to realize in the Future, what hooks him to the quick and will keep him Here. Then specify a deadline, hammer the nail.

The person will begin to paint his picture, to do what will allow him to achieve the goal within the time frame. When one really wants to reach a goal, the Subconscious helps in every possible way, since it acts as an assistant in solving any problems and tasks, removes obstacles, for example, illness, because it no longer fits into the tempting plan and interferes with the realization of the goal.

A girl in her childhood dreamed of becoming a singer, but her mother categorically forbade her to think about it, despite the fact that the girl really sang wonderfully, played the guitar and composed good music. Once the girl became seriously ill and the doctors refused her. Suppose the cause of the disease has been found and is being eliminated, because it’s difficult to do it immediately. Why not plan to release her own CD with songs in six months? Even if not at a professional level, but for friends and family. As a gift. Like a mark to leave on Earth. It’s important for the girl to believe that she can do it. Why not?

Or, for example, someone dreamed of painting, but heard, «What kind of artist are you?» Schedule an exhibition of your own paintings. No matter what kind of, but, finally, they should be painted! Paint something that you have been going to paint all your life, but someone and/or something didn’t let you do it. No matter where the exhibition will take place, even if in your own home or in the nearest library. It’s important that you do what you really want, what your Soul wants. So you can become yourself. As a rule, until the verge of Death, people don’t do what their souls ask them, but are engaged in routine focused mainly on their bodies. Faced with the fact that the body will soon be thrown off like a dress before going to bed, a person gets a wonderful opportunity to finally think about the Soul. Stop for a moment! Right now. Ask yourself a question and answer it honestly, if tomorrow your body disappears, what did you not have time to do that you would like to do before moving to Another Reality with a calm Soul, regretting nothing?

I returned to the hotel in the cemetery. The door to the room didn’t open. I went down to the reception asking for help. The door obeyed to the hotel employee. At night in the city of M., to the surprise of local residents, it began to snow. I realized that everything I had to do there was done. The next day I returned home.

Arriving late at night, I turned on my mobile phone and received a message from a friend who attended the RAM seminar in my absence, «She wants you to come. Tomorrow». I realized that tomorrow had already arrived; there were only a couple of hours left until the morning.

It was the last day of another RAM seminar in Moscow.

RAM joyfully hugged me and asked me to tell those present about Another Reality. I talked about unrealistic things to do in a year by earthly standards, but in Another Reality everything was possible. People are capable of creating miracles. The main thing is to discover Another Reality in ourselves, to find the Key.

Another Reality is everywhere, permeating everything around us, and invariably present in us from the moment of birth. We don’t notice it, we don’t want to hear, see, feel. RAM smiled, periodically commented on my words, praised me, comparing me with Anna Akhmatova and my Another Reality with the truth of life. RAM said that in a couple of days she was leaving to work in Sri Lanka, and in June we would go with her to the mountains in China, where we would have serious work. The world seemed alien to me, but at RAM seminars, I returned home, to myself, to my Soul, and I felt a kindred energy in her kindred Soul. When RAM was nearby, I had a desire to talk to her about everything, but «everything» was superfluous, empty, petty and not at all worthy of her attention, meanwhile to questions that really made sense to be spoken out loud, I seemed to know her answers in advance. So our virtual conversation was constantly postponed «for later».

Before saying goodbye, I asked RAM to tell me something.

«Your book will go around the world and will be translated into many foreign languages. Do you believe me?» she said absolutely seriously.

A week later I received two letters from Sri Lanka. One of them said the following, «Alice, hello! My name is Inna. One evening (we were gathering on a large veranda) RAM read us a chapter from your book about Another Reality, in which you met her. We didn’t have a tape recorder to listen to mantras, so we meditated to the sounds of RAM’s voice reading your book to us. It was very interesting and at the same time curious, what would be next? RAM said that we would read it in turns, a chapter each one. I was the next to read it, but I have a complex, it’s hard for me to speak in public. However, I began to read, and the seminarians said I seemed to be reading my own book. Everything you wrote is very close to my heart, although I am not a clairvoyant, I am just recalling who I am. I asked for the book and devoured it in half a day. Since then, during meditations, it was only me to read it to them. Thank you very much! I know that you will go with RAM to China. I was there, and it was the beginning of my new life!»

Then I read a letter from Tatyana. She told me the way RAM and the Professor had put the ankh on a crystal, as I used to mark my pictures about Another Reality with, and took the crystal at sunrise to the top of Adam’s Mountain for charging.

RAM called me on her return from Sri Lanka and asked my books for St. Petersburg seminarians, to whom she was going by night train for a week. I arrived at the station. RAM asked how I was doing. I smiled and replied that everything was fine. When we talk about bad things, we re-experience them as if in reality, and attract even more negativity. If we talk and think about good things, sooner or later they will definitely visit us.

The next day, RAM asked to deliver another batch of books about Another Reality by night train. And then, and later, I was happily going into the night, a sacred mystery of transferring my books by unknown trains to different parts of the country.

A week later, RAM was returning from St. Petersburg. Early in the morning at the station, I met her and her friend, the Professor, who was persecuted by official sciences after the publication of a book with his discoveries in the field of physics and the influence of vibrations on the human body. The three of us were walking from the train to the metro. RAM’s conversation with the Professor consisted of broken phrases that would seem to ordinary people from the outside to be the ravings of crazy ones.

«She proved it, you know?!» said the Professor. «Five years! It took her five years, but she did it! The same as we did with rats back then, remember? No matter, if there are already a hundred of them, everywhere further!»

«Stamp, the stamp remains in that place after!» RAM exclaimed with the joy of a child.

«Yes! And this means that…»

«Bring the same number of people there right after that, and they, so they too!!!»


«I always knew it!»

«She worked in a secret laboratory, but she was allowed to give a lecture at that university.»

«Do you remember the girl from Sri Lanka? So, she says, she entered the laboratory, and they were already preparing a new virus there. She came with the documents, and the computer exploded!»

«In reality or in a dream?» asked the Professor.

RAM stopped and said meaningfully,

«What’s the difference, in fact?»

The Professor and I nodded in agreement.

«And then, our teleportation on the mountain? How many of us were there? And all of a sudden at the top! We entered the Flow, but they won’t believe it,» RAM sighed.

«Is it true that in Sri Lanka you charged a crystal with Ankh, carried it to Adam’s Mountain?» I asked.

«How do you know?» RAM was surprised.

I told her about the seminarians’ letters. We approached the metro.

As usual, I asked RAM to say something personal to me. She paused for a while, then looked straight into my eyes and said absolutely seriously,

«A miracle will happen in China, and I will gift it to you.»
