The end. The Distorting Mirror Kingdom

The danger had recoiled,
the damages were too big.
A lot of broken branches
were laying on the spoiled
snow quilt, that had been thinned
by misty floating snakes.

That was the ugliest sight:
the grayish muddy ice
had coated all the trees.
The shackles were very tight
and hold the branches nice
in their gauzy grids.

The balance was restored.
The thin flakes of the snow
were falling from the sky.
The peace had been returned,
the sun was in a glow
before the winter night.

Just one the red-chest bird
was fussing high aloft,
wide spreading a thin squeak.
It searched a Windy Lord
to say He had to know
so many years ago...

              by Thea Ariss 21.02.2024
