Моя любовь - Владивосток

Омытый Тихим океаном,
Окутанный туманом-тайной,
Пронзительным пронизан ветром
Ты удивительный, чудесный,
Солёный мой Владивосток.

Шторма, тайфуны, скалы, сопки.
На сопках высятся высотки.
Вокруг гуляют семь ветров.
Мосты, мосты, над ними чайки.
И множество в порту судов.

Владивосток гостеприимный,
                с душою нараспашку –
Яркий, щедрый, дивный.
Ты город не для слабаков,
Но для романтиков, конечно,
И для бесстрашных моряков.

В тебя влюблённые поэты
Строчат хвалебные сонеты
И дарят множество стихов.
Мой город – ты неповторимый.
Любовь моя – Владивосток.

Всё больше нескончаемый туристов
Поток течёт со всех концов
К тебе солёный мой и милый,
Сырой, дождливый и красивый –
Мой город городов.

Куда бы я ни уезжала,
Судьба куда б ни направляла
К тебе всегда я возвращаюсь
Из множества дорог,
Любимый мой Владивосток.

И точно знаю несомненно
Вернётся вновь тот непременно
Над бухтой Золотого Рога
В лучах закатных кто стоял,
Глотнул солёного, морского,
               кто здесь однажды побывал.


Перевод «Бабка Ежка»

    My love – Vladivostok

You washed by the Pacific Ocean,
Shrouded in mystery mist,
Pierced by the piercing wind
You are wonderful, amazing,
My salty Vladivostok.

Storms, typhoons, rocks and hills.
On the hills rise high-rise buildings,
There's blowing around seven winds,
Many bridges and seagulls flying.
And in the port a lot of ships.

Vladivostok is hospitable,
             with a soul open-wide:
Generous, wonderful, bright...
You're not a city for weaklings,
But, of course, for romantics,
And for sailors intrepid...

Fall in love with you many poets:
They write the praise sonnets,
And they give a lot of poems.
My city - you are very unique.
My love is Vladivostok.

Endless stream of lots tourists
Flows more from the all lands
To you, my salty and dear one,
You're perfect, damp, with rains,
My dear city of the earth...

In all countries wherever I go
Fate takes me wherever it takes,
But I always come to your ways
Of the lots straight roads,
My beloved Vladivostok.

And for sure now I know:
You'll definitely come back again
Above the Golden Horn Bay
Who stood in the sunset rays,
And took a sip of salty sea wind,
            who here once has been...


Картина Натальи Баенхаевой "Утренний Владивосток"


"My Love – Vladivostok: A Poetic Ode to a Coastal Gem"

In "My Love – Vladivostok," the poet delicately weaves a tapestry of admiration for the coastal city of Vladivostok, nestled along the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Through vivid imagery, the poem captures the essence of Vladivostok, a place veiled in mystery yet brimming with wonder.

The opening lines paint a picture of Vladivostok as a city embraced by the Pacific, its identity entwined with the swirling mists and biting winds characteristic of coastal life. The repetition of "My salty Vladivostok" evokes a sense of personal connection and affection for the city, as if it were a cherished lover.

Throughout the poem, the poet celebrates Vladivostok's resilience in the face of storms and natural challenges, juxtaposing the rugged landscape with the soaring heights of its skyline and the bustling activity of its port. Vladivostok emerges not as a mere city, but as a vibrant entity with a generous and welcoming spirit, inviting both romantics and intrepid souls to explore its depths.

The poet pays homage to the countless artists and writers who have been captivated by Vladivostok's allure, penning sonnets and poems in its honor. This testament to the city's unique charm underscores its timeless appeal and enduring influence on creative minds.

As the poem draws to a close, there is a sense of inevitability in the narrator's return to Vladivostok's shores, a recognition that no matter where fate may lead, the city's pull remains irresistible. The imagery of the Golden Horn Bay bathed in sunset hues, coupled with the taste of salty sea air, lingers in the mind long after the final stanza has been read.

In "My Love – Vladivostok," the poet invites readers on a journey of love and longing, capturing the essence of a city that holds a special place in the heart of all who encounter it. Through lyrical verse, Vladivostok transcends its geographical boundaries to become a symbol of romance, adventure, and enduring affection.

Ангарский   15.03.2024 05:52     Заявить о нарушении
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