18 Words and Phrases Confusing to Boomers

18 Words and Phrases Confusing to Boomers
Story by Victoria Clarke  •
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18 Words and Phrases Confusing to Boomers
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Slang is ever-evolving, reflecting each generation’s changing times and culture. As younger generations introduce new vocabulary into their lexicon, it’s not uncommon for Baby Boomers to find themselves baffled by unfamiliar terms. In this article, we’ll explore 18 slang terms that puzzle Boomers, shedding light on the linguistic divides that can arise across generations.

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Lit” is used by younger generations to describe something exciting, fun, or highly enjoyable. A Boomer might wonder if someone is talking about lighting a fire, but in contemporary slang, it’s all about creating an energetic and enjoyable atmosphere.

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When Gen Z says they’re “flexing,” they’re not hitting the gym. It means they’re showing off their achievements or possessions, displaying their success or status for the world to see. To Boomers, “flex” might be about exercising, but it’s about showing off their gains to younger generations.

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To Boomers, “salty” might mean something related to a snack. However, for younger folks, it describes someone feeling resentful or upset, often in response to a minor annoyance or disappointment. It’s a way of acknowledging a sour mood or attitude.
