nothing new

and sun wukon say:
whay you can tink about anything other if you firstcame death?
it book are a biblia for me.
just i not undesternd the ending.
comprehending through the void
(it name sun wukun in translite litteraly)
gains it's void-a hit djana - triumph of Budda
mankey would best you dont't go with them.

i what surpise meself  compelation everthen?
even a discourse are it combinatorica
in all a level
starting with a letere
we the something new wound compose of avalaible means?
of then some leters?
the new?
they writing the poem don't interfere with them
they are not going to die. amen.
therefore that live.

I got a bottle with a bad mood
and is this really bad?
this is a dead end.
This thought has been thought
a million times for ten thousand years.
and the idea of novelties in itself is flawed.
news lives for three days.

This is an instruction
on how to get tired
of yourself in five minutes.
toxic bullying is the name.
it bad burbon he sure fake.
what them tink about other it?
wukon you are a master of transform
but dot.
i'am same

you know in a question never don't mention the amswer.
there yet fife a time.
and evereone know what
You can't count.
the other the side the coin
all important happining only here.
in world of compilations.
it fool timk what i think about the dead
but i think about the life.
we with sun wukon
and your ugly, fat, stupid, crooked, shabby, hideous from all sides woman is of no interest to anyone,
so sit with her now yourself and don't meddle in our thoughts about high matters.

Wukon, we've discovered a treasure trove of feelings.
The bourbon is real after all.
Ladies, such treasures are cursed and must be gotten rid of because they poison our beauty.
yes and it shabby ugly croked stuppid women
will get his reward.
i not smiling.
No, you're not.
it only the poem

Wukon, we kill seven the demons.
They thought they could get away with it without anyone noticing all the comedy actors.
Are you happy? Don't hurt the gypsies or every step you take will lead you to misfortune.
How's the health of a shabby woman? yet other? has a she?
i not smiling.
my word is enough full.
believe it or not.
it's enough.

There in poetry romantic  are no forbidden themes.
wukon i right?
ofcourse he то me worget.
only normal poets do not write such horrors.
and in romantic verses they talk about roses.
and not say tear it into a thousand pieces?
and well, we will be the first.
Wukon, don't ever lie to me.
You can't. I know you can't.
I also.
Have we defeated all the liars yet?
amazing how there can be so many?

but they forgot to say about roses.
We are silent, we don’t know anything about them.
Are you a gardener?
Let's call it dark romantic
rhyming curses.
ladies, we know this feeling so well.
and now we have a verse as sharp as a blade.
there are three sentences in the middle I mean.

I'm sorry,
I don't know where that stuff came from in my head.
But it's high poetry, don't doubt it.
You doubt it?
Well, then we're gonna do Carmen's plot backwards.
Bourbon is fake.

In general, this whole world is for me and about me.
Why can't you say that? might ghosts be outraged?
you see, it is impossible to prove to me otherwise.
"and they are so real that they even have thoughts"
all rules of decency are violated,
a dream within a dream can fall apart.
and the more they try to prove to me who they are,
the more doubts I have.
everything is so real that you may never get out of here.
this is "news from Nepal"
would you write your poems in a place where there is nothing human? if not, don’t write, they’re fake, you’re working for the public. but there is no one here except you. but you taught the shadows to giggle and say the word traditionally in order to confuse yourself. Yes, your projections know how to argue in order to confuse you. so that you repay your debt in full. and didn’t remember everything ahead of time.
did we borrow? I have little energy, I can’t remember. I don’t want to remember, because as soon as this happens this world will turn to dust and crumble. hi Carlitos.

and what do you think, is this whiskey real or not? Yes, I know that alcohol only confuses everything and is not an ally at all. I would say he is a defender.
Well, yeah, of course, we have specific specifics.

wait, I wanted to ask you something. As I know everything, I have questions. they definitely were. you know, I'm a serious person and would never fool around unnecessarily. lies in every word is your answer? thank you, you were so helpful. Where can I get the mood of a cactus if it has liquid grain? it is an excellent defender. how is this from what? but the truth from what? tell me? There is no one here except me, who am I protecting myself from? This is casuistry.

Thank you. You don't even understand jokes anymore. How ancient are they all extinct? How is everyone around the fire here? Do we have a fire? I thought these were yellow fireflies around. Only eyes? you know what? ominous and gloomy it's funny. but by the way, I had fun. I didn’t bite off any piece of energy from you, no need to invent it. look everything is in place. Bye. see you, good luck.

freedom didn't work out? but this is not the only attempt. didn't really want to? well, that's good too. what alcoholism, my sobriety is stronger than any alcohol. this is a very dangerous quality of me. Don't know.

I saw him burning some tires or paper on a fire, and all around was night and winter and cold. not everything was good. ok, I hope so. while the whiskey said that I was completely crazy. Well, of course. just a treasure trove of reason wherever you spit. yes figuratively, figuratively. Look again at night, but it was dawn. I adore this classic. you're into ritual traditions, aren't you? Yeah|||||||||||||||

Well, nothing exists for them other than “fiction”. You yourself created them this way. What can I do. They talk like wound up toys. overkill of course. look, you can’t finish our conversation, but you know what I am. think about it.

no, I don’t give advice, that’s not polite, that’s an order. Bye. happy to go happy to come back! not coming back? yah? this is in Chinese. how do I know? It's called pair luck. They have everything in pairs - come and go. not along the same path, of course. tradition is our highway.

wait, I wanted to ask something. but I don’t remember what. and how can I know everything when I know nothing? But it’s so tiring for me. Is this indulging your idiocy? Well, of course. maybe this is my hobby. you're not real at all. Bye nagual.
