
"since"  me like only a adverbs
and something a pretexts.
it no normale
Jorge Luis in heself imaginary the world
where he live without verbs.
other he yhe world didnt have the nouns.
it was very strange the worlds.

welcome, i liv in than.
mibe the wold was at all wirhout a word.
completely instrumental -
some sounds, some voices.
i deliberately rebuilit it space to suit for me.

and who would tinking that
I suddenly need to learn
some kind of human language.
hell in hell and it same in hell.
it the laugh the fortuna -
you giv then what at to all dont't with.

the book fall out a hit shelf?
in you head?
it's then about i say now.

never dont't swear the river.
yep it simple say.
mayby i swem can only wiht a bowl ring?
"never swear" huh ofcourse.

after i will more take it with me.
collection a mood a suitcases of feel.
Jorge, you know more a whater run since time.
i dont take nothing with me.
but only mayby 'clumsy but fast"
however, this souvenir
is always so with me as a keepsake.
yep we are walking far.
are you equipped like a tourist?
well good it.
every need with you?
Louis you broke your glasses.
do you really need them? a?
and why don't I believe you?

No, we haven't seen all the sights yet.
Listen, a foreign language fell on my head.
It's not safe to walk here.
don't take any tunes from here.
we will always come up with new ones.
spent your whole life in the library?
I hope you learned something new from the books.
where is the holy grail? answer.

Oh, I didn’t even realize
that you knew such rude words.
it is Spanish?
Admit it, instead of library books,
you read a porn magazine.
No? Where is it written about the Grail?
Holy Virgin Guanyin! pax domini save us all.
