

Художественный перевод
На английский язык
Ольга Гусева

Don’t awake me and let me to doze,
I lie so tired and need time of rest,
Tapis as couch will befit I suppose,
And in this bed I will try compose,
Desperate efforts to sleep are my test.

Very grave thoughts are results of frustration,
Great anxiety weighs on me,
There is no one near by whose inspiration
Can assist me in finding explanation,
Why we are playthings of destiny.

When life so empty, even sleep does not save,
I am lying in bed where darkness embracing
So tight, that I feel very grave,
And my leap into emptiness is so brave,
I subdue gloomy dusk that my mind is facing.

Emptiness has its own ability,
It can at the same time allure and grieve,
Like the sea in the state of tranquillity
Before heavy storm quickly shows lability,
Void is always bringing mischief.

I am couched in dreams,
Like in parallel universe,
Where hope still lives,
And my heart yet believes
In existence of calm, peace and love of great force.
