Stop overeating. Motivational speech

Never set rich tables.
Food can become an idol.
An idolater will not succeed in anything.

He will serve his idol.
He will dance around him and ruin his life.

Worshiping an idol is always a curse.

Therefore, I overturn all the tables  with idols in your mind with negative programs.

I clean out everything that is defiled by gluttony.

It is time comes for a change of priorities.
It is time to change of values in your life.

You will even be disgusted to talk about food.
What did you eat, what did you cook?
Because all this is so insignificant.

You will talk about your soul.
What did you fed your soul?
What book did you read?
What museum did you go to?
What serious film did you watch?

What have you been thinking about today?
And when you feed your soul with quality food, you will receive real satisfaction.

And you no longer want to open the refrigerator every half hour and carefully examine its contents.

Because your soul will calm down.

Soul will give signals to the belly that everything is in order.
And the belly will calm down.
And the appetite will calm down.

There will be peace and quiet.
Because the soul will be full.

And real joy and inspiration will finally come into your life.

So food and cooking are not interesting anymore.

It is stupid to devote precious time of your life to searching for something to fill your belly.

It is not worthy of such serious attention.

Your soul deserves much more attention.

Because your soul is more valuable than your stomach.
The soul needs to be nourished with quality food.

So that your soul sings like a nightingale.
So that yours soul blooms like lilies of the valley after a cold winter.

Let your belly go on a diet so your soul can bloom!

Let these words flow like rivers and water dry places.

Let these words penetrate into the depths of your soul and light lamps and candles there.

Let these words strengthen what is weak and irrigate what is dry.

And let these Words free you from stereotypes and everything that prompted you to overeat.

Let the pieces on the board be in a different order.

And a protracted game, when you were under pressure from the enemy pieces, will soon end in your favor.

Because you will move forward, you will overcome everything.

You will go the entire distance, all the cells.

And your piece will become a queen.

And you will put on your crown and that festive, brilliant outfit that was always in your dreams!

The words lead a person to what they were intended for. 

And what you hear now is a kind of psychological injection.

And she will undoubtedly make certain changes and actions in that consciousness.

Listen to what awakens your will.

Be in the coordinate system of positive information.

Every day, inject the words and phrases you need into your consciousness.

Treat by these words all the demons let them run away from you, forgetting their slippers, and never return.

In order to transform externally and become more interesting and attractive, you need to transform your inner world for this.

Eliminate all fears, complexes and unnecessary desires from yourself.

In order for the fireplace to burn brighter and provide more heat, it must be cleaned of slag and ash.

And then the fire will burn stronger.

The time has come, so to speak, to cleanse yourself inside and take out the garbage from the recesses of your nature.

Because a lot of malicious files accumulate in the mind, which poison life.

And they prevent positive processes from gaining momentum.
We will cleanse the soul and consciousness with the help of a unique tool - the human word.
This is the most powerful way to influence the processes that occur in the neural network of the brain.

Say out loud now, “I renounce overeating, rich food, excess food,
which harms me and makes me old and sick.
I renounce cowardice and selfishness
I will never make excuses for my wrong actions.
I will win all the victories I need.
I will be consistent in eating small portions,
and abstaining from eating after 18.00."Tell yourself every day this auto-training, these formulas that will weaken the passion for overeating and lead you to a new image. To the image of a slender, beautiful and graceful.

Words and phrases can affect the body.

These psychological attitudes will redirect the flow of energy and desires in the right direction,

In one day you will consume no more than 800 calories. Including no more than 80 carbohydrates.
This is quite enough for you.

You minimize fatty foods, eliminate salty and spicy foods from your diet, because they whet your appetite and can harm your internal organs.

You eat in small portions and fill yourself up with them.

For man lives not only on bread, but also on food for the soul. And when you maintain balance and nourish all the components of your nature: body and soul your caravel will never tilt.
And if the stomach is overloaded, and the soul is on meager rations, then the ship may fall on its side.

Which will lead first to psychological problems, and then to physical ailments.

Then beauty will fade, the body will become decrepit.
It will become difficult to walk, then difficult to breathe, then difficult to live.

But you will save yourself from all this, because words give protection, and they give birth to hope.

The Word awakens faith and saturates the soul.
Make sure that your soul receives quality food every day.

And when your soul is satisfied, your appetite will no longer have power over you.
And your stomach will fall silent, and will not zealously scream and claim a leading role in life.

This world is changing. You change too. Every second.
The movement in your mind and in your soul goes on incessantly. Therefore, everything will not happen by chance. It will be the way you shape it, what you come to and what you deserve.

Everything will be new. New words. New actions. New feelings. And maybe even a new life!

Learn to lavish and sacrifice. Scatter these handfuls of goodness. And if necessary, then give yourself. Because in order to receive, you must give and to gain, you need to spend.Everything you do in this life should be for the sake of someone. And not for your own sake.
Then only the drawing will be complete, and all the colors of this life will be revealed in full.
Then only the plot will be interesting and the work convincing, because it will touch human hearts.

And if you are at the bottom, if you feel that you are at a dead end, then it means that there is a treasure somewhere nearby.
At the bottom, in this darkness nearby, lies a pearl
For, to find pearls you need to go to the very bottom.

Maybe pearls are a new understanding of things and objects.
And you take these pearls in your hands and rise to the surface, where there is light, warmth and air.
You will begin a new life, without the burden that pulled you to the bottom.
This new life will give you new chances and opportunities, using which you will come to your new discoveries and victories.

My words, formats your psyche for a new lifestyle that will lead you to losing weight and restoring your figure.

Now you not only have the desire to lose extra pounds, you now have the resources and opportunities and will do it.
Your brain, your consciousness, is charged with a powerful psychological attitude to reduce weight.

It will work. You will eat less food, you will not be able to eat food that can cause excess weight.
Therefore, you will no longer put on extra pounds.
And you will move more, walk, do physical exercises.

Day by day you will lose kilos.
Day by day your will will become stronger,
which will force you to engage in physical activity and limit food intake.

I am giving you this psychological injection into your brain.

Which will have a beneficial effect on your lifestyle.
In everyday life you will never think about excess weight, you will act as if you do not have a single extra kilogram.

You will be light and free. You get rid of all sorts of complexes. You will be confident and calm in all situations.
Your behavior, your life does not depend on your weight. You are freed from the dependence of kilograms.

You are wise, interesting, self-sufficient.
Your spirit is strong.
Your will is strong.
You will follow the path of self-development and self-realization.
The brain will give you signals what and how to do.

Follow this way, you will be successful.
You will walk smoothly and harmoniously because your mind rules over confidence and fears.

Nothing puts pressure on you, not numbers, not kilograms.
You are free from this, your soul is freed from fears, prejudices.

You spread your wings.
Your heart is cleansed, your soul is refreshed and rejuvenated.
You gain strength, you become calmer, more reasonable. You become bright. Your look will be confident, you will be kind, wise and purposeful.
Every day you will be recharged with new and new forces that will lead you to success.
You will be able to show the necessary effort, you will be able to overcome barriers and win.
