Unsend Report 4 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

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Unsend Report 4 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP
* not send

This is not my guilt be me, aliving living woman UK, Mother in Age UK,
Another Ethnic/Religion/Age
as all some as before was
as Colinial humilation whom hated blamed be another race/religion/age/Ethnic Group/
as a level be hated, discriminated,humilated for a living alive human
with a fact be a British Citizen UK in UK be treated by lots Officials UK with no respect

British Police Officers acted as Hunters on Humans whom were Homosexual Men UK,
Hotel Owners obligated to spy on adults personnel sexual hobbies
The British Laws used humilate adults UK.
Judges make a real criminal sences for Homosexual Sex Choices of Males UK as Adults UK, Taxpayers UK.

Whom acted like hunters on humans UK, spying on adults UK sexual life as Officials UK
they had their career growth on make a support any rules instructions laws of Politicians UK,
look - Hitler Faschism style Germany German Officials acted by the similar way making order of Hitler and a practical job making Holocaust in Europe (EU area).

See, European Politicians make UK like their own enemy for Brexit choice why this was looking
like a divorce proces  UK-EU and UK paid a lot to a budget EU to be respected out EU member friendly to   EU for tens years.

Soon British Taxpayers voted BREXIT as a quality of a road surfaces UK and a comfort of outdated small kitchen-toulets make a discomfort no places for all comfort equipment,

British people voted BREXIT trying  to focus Politicians UK to UK needs:


"Why do UK money paid to Latvia humilated locals in "no vote system" "as another Ethnic Group of Latvia"?  as this means UK supported humilation and discimination people another race/religion/Ethnic Groups in EU Europe Latvia??

Some rules for any British Citizen UK working, living in Latvia on donation UK to Latvia was
with no any return back from Latvia to UK,
including this one point:

British Citizens UK worked in Latvia had not any pensions of Latvia
as Latvian "thanks to UK money helped Latvia" was, as a way to pay to a wrong side states having
no thankful way back as  EU European Union area.

They picked UK Taxpayers money to their budgets.
British Citizens UK spent a time in Latvian prison as a over-drunken Britons Tourists abroad.
Lots Britons males came to piss on Latvian Monument Woman Laura as dogs did on a stick way
as a popular wedding night celebration traditions lits tasks to do for a real man before a wedding was to sort by publications in British newspapers explaining this is not nice make stop it.

So, lots voted for BREXIT as a drunken Britons jailed in Latvian prison for fantasies to do before they marry as much too cruel, all males UK had fears needed tasks jumping over fears nervouses. So, this more regarding mental health regarding the stress fears male be married man  righter a criminal activity.

Lots Britons men obligated to make a list of tasks
some walked a fully naked and drunken back to own home
some jumped out a bridge on a safe support
some started make a vulgar piss activity new tasks what a stupid but nervous fears stress.

We felt  it was a cruel to jail Britons in Latvian jail as British Tourists UK,
they just over-worked in UK, UK paid to EU to Latvia money from money these drunken British men UK.

This put women and men UK voted for Brexit  as a solidarity be one British Nations knowing they all work hard in UK, paying huge taxes and in EU budget make another way to sort things was wrong not so cruel.

Latvia jailed Britons British Tourists males and UK voted BREXIT not to pay UK money to Latvia having a cruelty to British people and British men UK as British tourists UK abroad.

I think this was a correct way to decided if some disliked our British hard working men tourists
this state Latvia should not take grant EU as UK was a payee to EU budget.

We feel Latvia should return back money grants to Latvia back to UK budget.

But EU had not returned UK money to EU budget, had they?

EU was acted cruelty to UK.

Look, two people lived together make own united budget
and one (UK) left EU and this like a divorce process.

The attitude EU to UK is a true face of European Politicians hated and hate UK.

It was a mistake UK to pay to EU budget money not spending inside UK.

UK and Germany united in the union EU
as a result WWII.

Germany attacked UK 1939-1945 as the best friend UK in their Union EU was till BREXIT (divorce)

German military planes bombed UK area during WWII (WWI) make Germany best friend liked UK?

British Politicians UK paid to EU budget were sure
"These Germans Politicians liked UK as bombed UK "just for 1939 till 1945 years only and they had a stop this!"

British Politicians UK united to ex-German Faschists ex-Hitler Germany in EU union
make some colours of Hitler Officials habits reduce population as "unwanted" copied be a British taktic inside UK.  and no allies USSR as ruined not existing to stop the reducation humans UK "as unwanted" "low income" "still some blame".

To pay HB not some as a rent to push make saving from LA making less LA
what British Laws named warranty minimal surviving amount each MUST HAVE in UK
what making working places in UK created jobs providing benefits.

but what they do having full time work paid work not updating level HB, LA, JSA, UC
as a paid full time job?

Soon, any loss a job, a health, a pensioner, on benefits,
they easy found others had easy full time paid work in UK not make any work duty
as update benefit level, no sms, no links, no emails, - this like a good paid pension way look
and so a natural ask others wants some especially people in age:  Mmm so nice so lot sit here no one client or a que waiting chats and still a warm office full time paid work named like a work while when I worked 12 hours shift had less and still a social low them all!?

No lots "unemployed" and lots officials sat down near PC.
But if you wait a code as sms - no one worked sent it to you
or to sent email with a link.

Work Coach  named as Work Coach
already  some type Health Provider
and  no one show their ID /Licences/Certificate/DBS/right to work in UK/no names sometimes.

You see a British comedy film "Some Mothers Have Them"?  "Some Mothers Have 'em?" film
as a Job Center Advicers offered Job Places to unemployed UK British Citizen UK?

And you had not find this in JCP
they collected reports/checks
they do not help you to find any job in UK
they had not whom make a recommendation too
but they paid as some unknown structure tasks some resources of state people.

and i asked not knowing a correct job work title some work to find
and one wrote be
and after
i checked this was a right conserge word.

He said me he was able find any work easy
but he had just this easy official UK JCP work what if to come stay till a pension.

But this was just one case any tried help me to find a job in UK.

They listened you in a silence
not helped or adviced
as really? no working place for some Ethnic Groups/religion/race as a fact of racial things.

Racial Colonial UK had not provided support as working places
and if you are still as I am "Latvian Aliens Russian Ethnic" inside British Ethnic Groups UK
as British Citizen UK?

I had a place as a Volonter for Work and Pension Department British Govertment UK
to cover a busy Christmas time as archive work, and I signed the Introduction At Work 1st step
and I came back to a home, make preparations to work next day already
and it was a call to me not to come to a work (my Ethnic Group UK as British Citizen UK was a barrier).

After that British newspapers named Russian Citizen of Russia as Russian Ethnic of Russia state and
she worked on a warm paid office place in British Parliament on Military Tasks UK Programms
which place provided as to a talanted British student UK.

Look, I was not a student, I have the University Degree.
I calculated the optimal parameters of Dosimeter measured radiation for Chenobyl Catastrophe zone
as Consultant Mathematician Analitician for Designer of Devices (my 1st husband), after some work title in UK.

I had not any good working place offers in UK for 1998-2024 as just "Care Assistant", "Sewing Ironing Pressing Checking Garments< Control of Quality", "Warehouse Assistant", "Temporal 1 month Book-keeper of private company (Chineese Ethnic owner, thanks), "3 years of Bags Packers -Shop Assistant-Chasier", "Warehouse Assistant", "Care Assistant", "Cleaner" (in Matalan).

Any work I might work barried in interview as Another Ethnic .
Including already 1st on interview as a Cleaner for Ashfield Council in Kirkby-in-Ashfield building
as I had some accent on English.

This means you have not any working place here in UK if some hate you be you like you
as another Ethnic born outside UK and all British Citizenship and  British Passports UK not what protect your rights be alive living .

They created way low your low minimal income
left less on a food supply what a way of killing people in UK.

No any Solisitors as a low income and as whom created this much powerful all them.

See Assange destiny
he run as a panic attack as fears of death penalty in USA if deportation to USA.

UK had not a death penalty and a death penalty is a crime in UK.

But British Judge had closed a claim USA on deportation to USA so "no worries any British Laws might be broken".

Assange spent a time isolated (no walks on a fresh air) what is a type of tortures
and tortures named illegal criminal activities in UK.

British Judge had not looked like this way while all Britons remembered Assange was taken by hands on British Police Force Officiers - he could no move work on one, so, he was so ill.

He was not put to a British Hospital to check
his mental health as a panic attack stress isolation
his health as he could not work

He was not presented in body in his Court too.

USA blames was USA blames what was not UK blames.

But he was kept in a British prison after he spent his sences
looking he  knew some sensitive secrets
one of so sensitive might been connected to pedafailes UK? secrets?

This was a typee torture humilation of adult man just married
and his fault was

1. a freedom information declared by American Constitution and British Constitution
2. he was a naive man if he believed in a freedom of speeches and information in UK/in USA.
3. His group put a video as journalists "PRESSA" had been shooted by a military helicopter USA making a hunter job  on humans on journalists still filmed, - this copy was open publicly to show.
4. USA and UK are closed allies.
5. It was to check
6. But say me whom your closed friend? whom used military helicopter to hunter on humans journalists PRESSA  and a shooting civilians from military helicopters style power coming as fears.
7. British Politicians were not interesting to discuss the use of a military helicopter on huntering on humans journalists pressa.
8. British Police Officers had no interest to investigate a video
if this was a fake video or a real video?
whom was murdered killed shooted here ? names/Citizenship/Journalists or not? /Country origin?
9. But some British Frelance Journalists PRESSA could be?
10. This video might be an actor play fake news video too. Or a real video.
11. Politicians , Police Officers UK, Judges UK prefer a style "We want to listen nothings, to know nothing!" = so like "We are a fully Blind and Deaf adults UK in power in UK"?
12. some men were tall like British-American-Neaderthland Tall slim men, lots ssome types men are British Londoners.
And so strange be a blind and a deaf
if some British Citizens UK were as Journalists target for shooting on humans
13. Or they had not been a journalists? a servants of someone in UK? and some order to shoot own staff servance to closed the some information like a sensite out?
14. We knew they were PRESSA and Journalist by words as no names. So a correct word to use "Some Group Of Unknown men", whom might been was PRESSA.
15. Stalin best friend was Hitler. This cost more blood when Hitler attacked USSR and Stalin land.
16. The loyalty Stalin friendship to Hitler ruined after Russia "to eat what Stalin loaylty to Hitler left".
17. The loyalty friendship Stalin to Hitler closed way to demolition warehouses with military equipment , oil, petrol, planes, bombs, -  Hitler Army came to Moscow in 1942 over reported demolushed bridges across rivers, demolished rail way, roads, warehouses.
18. German West rail had not a wide distance of rails USSR making all vagons of Europe were not able to move on another Sovier rail wide German rail wideness.
19. all vagons cubes trains wills distance were for German in EU area just and not for USSR area wide distance.
20. but Hitler Germany make impossible practicall things, - vagons of EU Germany crossed a border USSR wide Germans for wills and crossed demolished bridges across rivers and rails and the demolished warehouse worked to a military task of Hitler.
21. Lots Partisanned of Belorussia-Russia-Ukraine demolished rails ways in USSR area
but German army easy moved not noticed all  demolished not exisiting any more so moved till Moscow till 1942 easily.
22. Lots men named themselves were Partisanens in WWII and military sabotagees, -no one had a qlue how make any demolution device practically while lots films had this show.
23. See Ukraine 2014-2024  lots men of WWII had fully forgot skills WWII they fighted with German Army as Partisannens USSR or a military sabotages or military USSR.  2014-2024 no one open memorised own declared skills of WWII time.
24. Ukraine bombed own East Ukraine towns, villages with Ukrainian Citizen of Ukraine.
no responces back any
just accepting this way
for a long
till Russian special force operation fluided the whole Ukraine area.
25. I am not able to understand a logistic trasport scheme of supply Adolph Hitler German Faschists Army in their military unhuman compain 1941-1945 in USSR area
1941-1944  USSR  area
- demolished bridges across rivers  in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- demolished rail ways tracks in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- demolished waherhouses/factories in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- demolushed roads in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- no containers no warehouses to make military warehouseing as all were in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- no containers for train to keep oil/petrol to give for army
- the wideness of soviet rails wide European German rail ways tracks make German vagons trains were useless in USSR area and nothing left as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages USSR
= so, what was a way to provide a petrol-oil-engine supplies from Germany factories to USSR till Moscow  under attacks  military planes and partisannen? what way of delivery was as so long way still safe?
== a petrol /oil/spirit make explosion on a fire == to transport is a problem and Germany-under Moscow way? 1942-1943 ?

The one logic possible safe way (1)  if Hitler bought petrol oil gas from Stalin USSR delivered safety to places as a payments.

Another possible logical way (2) Some other people said if no Hitler was but a local power Officials used reduce population in areas they stayed make a possible delivery all as local supplies.

And 3rd possible way (3) not 1 not 2 but 3rd we do not understand as a historical publicly open to search way.

Possible ways 1 and 2 make people not trust to own Politicians or Officials as lots wars were being
if they saw their financial needs were eing ignored and asks too.

Unsend Report 4 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP
not sent

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UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
Note my UC account was not able no links no sms to open make any report

FT Customer Service Administrator Nottingham
Astute Recruuitment Ltd
ID 101835081 Permanent job FT
Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 5 pm
Liz Champion
Central Nottingham
Applied 1
Updated on 16 January 2024

Administrator Perm Nottingham
SF Recruitment
Permanent Job  id   101803718
Cirbie Brodes
Data entry
Applied 2

Assistant Payroll Clerk, FT, Hutwaite NG17
Astute Recruitment Ltd
Huthwaite NG17
id  101801234
8.30 - 17.00   Monday till Thursday 
8.30 - 16.00   Friday
Applied 3

Office Administrator, Mansfield
id   101810882
Permanent job
Applied 4

Administrator, Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17
Inplace Peronnel Service Ltd
id   101657096
Baillie Wells
Applied 5

Administrator, Nottingham NG12
TH Recruitment
Applied 6

Full Time, Customer Service Advisor, Mansfield
ID 1018101304
Full time job 
8 am to 6 pm  Monday to Friday
Applied 7

Warehouse Assistant, FT, Annesley NG15 0DJ
The Sofa Delivery Company
ID 101815589
4 days work shift/4 days off
Kirstie Sellens
Applied 8

UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
8 applications applied for a work


So, I print my report soon having access to my Journal  since 16th January 2024 just
this was out ability before for days-weeks.

Voluntary Job
Informator for Police
Kevin Eiry
he asked me on his visit make reports
i sent jpg photos making reports
timed events with photos
of local issues
Police worked on a nearest local side
probably some drug dealers searches was
area was a closed sometimes here too.

I have a clean DBS 2003, 2014, 2017,
some type as for a police /bank staff/ teachers/Nurses/etc.

I am looking for a job just not suitable job offers still
as for women UK 60+ whom had their pension age since 60 yo and not women UK fault some Politicians UK concentrated to spend a budget UK taxpayers  money outside UK increasing pension ages.

Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK


UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
8 applications/ applied for a work

my UC account was not able
no links in emails on my email  with a low dash _  was
no sms was to my mobile too make to open UC Journal to have access
to  make any report

I had not access to journal UC/JCP
no ability
to read/write/make reports/see payments/report changes
in UC profile too till 16-1-2024

The technical issue was not sorted here in JCP in Sutton-in-Ashfield
and  My Work Coach  Elainour asked me to walk outside JCP building checking
if some area problem was as no code sms came on my mobile here
and  no email with link from JCP  came to my email  too
while I sat here waiting lots witnesses.

My attempt to access UC account failed from my home PC local area,
some from JCP buildings
But later things sorted
20:04  Monday 15th  January 2024
the code sms   asked  at ~3pm time from  JCP Sutton-in-Ashfield building
came to my mobile at 20:04 (8:04 pm) Monday 15th  January 2024
what was a late as as outdated as the code ask 3pm was for 15 minutes on a time 3pm+.
and I was not asked this code at 8pm time was not near any computer.

Elainour and other Work Coach Ladies could not sorted issues as some area problem
was locally.

When I left JCP on Monday ~4pm   15/1/2024
I walked to a local store  ASDA in Sutton-in-Ashfield,
I saw a man worked in Kirkby-in-Ashfield JCP as Manager sorted all Internet problem,
he walked fromASDA to centre Sutton-in-Ashfield, I said "Hello!", I was so glad to see a familiar face to me  and after I could not came inside  ASDA as  the store ASDA in Sutton-in-Ashfield
was "closed as a technical issues"  till 16th January 2024.
I stayed no one was inside, after I saw just one security guard was moving inside.
May be a closure of area was I had not checked, this would cost a money make calls to check.

So, I print my report soon having access to my Journal  since 16th January 2024 just
this was out ability before for days-weeks.

Voluntary Job
Informator for Police
Kevin Eiry
he asked me on his visit make reports
i sent jpg photos making reports
timed events with photos
of local issues
Police worked on a nearest local side
probably some drug dealers searches was
area was a closed sometimes here too.

I have a clean DBS 2003, 2014, 2017,
some type as for a police /bank staff/ teachers/Nurses/etc.

I am looking for a job just not suitable job offers still
as for women UK 60+ whom had their pension age since 60 yo and not women UK fault some Politicians UK concentrated to spend a budget UK taxpayers  money outside UK increasing pension ages.

Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK


16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP


I use my web side diary already
as having no access
not able to find read message
make reports any
no ability read any information

No one said me
had any Health meeting
a a job searching

Elainour named herself
My Work Coach.

Had I founded any suitable working place
as University Degree Bachelour in UK
as a work for 62+
offered a Cleaners toulets just
but they prefer male staff
not confusing males working females in males touilets.

Politicians UK used to spend taxpayeres UK collection money outside UK area.

Mansfield Road (main)
closed to Lammas Street
main road of Sutton-in-Ashfield
for cars
had two huge deep holes
no one repairs
make a life of drivers/passengers/public/
any lorry
under a dangerous.

One driver had a car accident a will came inside.

Politicians UK concentrated to spend taxpayers UK money not making a comfort of humanity living conditions in UK area,

this low attitude of locals seen their needs ignored.

Housing Benefit level was not updated for years
see UC payment declared this minus 74 pounds down low of a rent level, making 74 pounds x 12 months = 888  pounds  low of a rent making saving 888 pounds/year of Living Allowance which is a low warranty minimal surviving amount what was named By British Laws UK each should have to survive in UK no less but the low payment HB of rent taking  the 888pounds /year or 74 pounds/month of  LA practically, some my private pension taken too, - so my level as a common UK inside UK as a care of humanity UK Politicians about Nations. They crosed British Laws taken money of LA by paying less HB. And no one able as asks locals to make changes . My financial situation like a low income British Citizen UK, a woman UK, living inside UK, Mother In Age in UK, - Politicians UK hated women and mothers in age in UK.Each woman had a loss health-teeth (I do loss teeth), as my body gave to children be born. And as a person in age I do see Politicians UK and USA or Russia or Ukraine need so lot soldiers make war military attacks destoying properties and lives civilians , lot women, children, men died or wounded, and just some small group had a happiness of sadists looking all this and another smallest of this group had a huge amount money profit sales. and ordinary people have what as British Citizen UK in age? The Increase of Pension with Minus ;888/year of Living Allowance by rules HB Housing Benefit low a rent ;888/year to pay a rent using LA Living Allowance?  This style as not feed enough a way of a killing locals and people in age, - let work for Politicians UK make own good pensions/income/tips/profite (left taking abroad to USA)

Will Ukrainian President Zelenski as British Citizen UK plan be MP UK? will he kind to a low income Britons UK? or not?

16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP


Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP



16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP


I use my web side diary already
as having no access
not able to find read message
make reports any
no ability read any information

No one said me
had any Health meeting
a a job searching

Elainour named herself
My Work Coach.

Had I founded any suitable working place
as University Degree Bachelour in UK
as a work for 62+
offered a Cleaners toulets just
but they prefer male staff
not confusing males working females in males touilets.

Politicians UK used to spend taxpayeres UK collection money outside UK area.

Mansfield Road (main)
closed to Lammas Street
main road of Sutton-in-Ashfield
for cars
had two huge deep holes
no one repairs
make a life of drivers/passengers/public/
any lorry
under a dangerous.

One driver had a car accident a will came inside.

Politicians UK concentrated to spend taxpayers UK money not making a comfort of humanity living conditions in UK area,

this low attitude of locals seen their needs ignored.

Housing Benefit level was not updated for years
see UC payment declared this minus 74 pounds down low of a rent level, making 74 pounds x 12 months = 888  pounds  low of a rent making saving 888 pounds/year of Living Allowance which is a low warranty minimal surviving amount what was named By British Laws UK each should have to survive in UK no less but the low payment HB of rent taking  the 888pounds /year or 74 pounds/month of  LA practically, some my private pension taken too, - so my level as a common UK inside UK as a care of humanity UK Politicians about Nations. They crosed British Laws taken money of LA by paying less HB. And no one able as asks locals to make changes . My financial situation like a low income British Citizen UK, a woman UK, living inside UK, Mother In Age in UK, - Politicians UK hated women and mothers in age in UK.Each woman had a loss health-teeth (I do loss teeth), as my body gave to children be born. And as a person in age I do see Politicians UK and USA or Russia or Ukraine need so lot soldiers make war military attacks destoying properties and lives civilians , lot women, children, men died or wounded, and just some small group had a happiness of sadists looking all this and another smallest of this group had a huge amount money profit sales. and ordinary people have what as British Citizen UK in age? The Increase of Pension with Minus ;888/year of Living Allowance by rules HB Housing Benefit low a rent ;888/year to pay a rent using LA Living Allowance?  This style as not feed enough a way of a killing locals and people in age, - let work for Politicians UK make own good pensions/income/tips/profite (left taking abroad to USA)

Will Ukrainian President Zelenski as British Citizen UK plan be MP UK? will he kind to a low income Britons UK? or not?

16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP


Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

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Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
Note my UC account was not able no links no sms to open make any report

FT Customer Service Administrator Nottingham
Astute Recruuitment Ltd
ID 101835081 Permanent job FT
Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 5 pm
Liz Champion
Central Nottingham
Applied 1
Updated on 16 January 2024

Administrator Perm Nottingham
SF Recruitment
Permanent Job  id   101803718
Cirbie Brodes
Data entry
Applied 2

Assistant Payroll Clerk, FT, Hutwaite NG17
Astute Recruitment Ltd
Huthwaite NG17
id  101801234
8.30 - 17.00   Monday till Thursday
8.30 - 16.00   Friday
Applied 3

Office Administrator, Mansfield
id   101810882
Permanent job
Applied 4

Administrator, Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17
Inplace Peronnel Service Ltd
id   101657096
Baillie Wells
Applied 5

Administrator, Nottingham NG12
TH Recruitment
Applied 6

Full Time, Customer Service Advisor, Mansfield
ID 1018101304
Full time job
8 am to 6 pm  Monday to Friday
Applied 7

Warehouse Assistant, FT, Annesley NG15 0DJ
The Sofa Delivery Company
ID 101815589
4 days work shift/4 days off
Kirstie Sellens
Applied 8

UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
8 applications applied for a work

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP



Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
8 applications applied for a work


So, I print my report soon having access to my Journal  since 16th January 2024 just
this was out ability before for days-weeks.

Voluntary Job
Informator for Police
Kevin Eiry
he asked me on his visit make reports
i sent jpg photos making reports
timed events with photos
of local issues
Police worked on a nearest local side
probably some drug dealers searches was
area was a closed sometimes here too.

I have a clean DBS 2003, 2014, 2017,
some type as for a police /bank staff/ teachers/Nurses/etc.

I am looking for a job just not suitable job offers still
as for women UK 60+ whom had their pension age since 60 yo and not women UK fault some Politicians UK concentrated to spend a budget UK taxpayers  money outside UK increasing pension ages.

Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

I do protest Politicians UK used taxpayers money budget UK outside UK not on pensions/benefits/roads /housing/not making better life comfort in UK. This is a cruel to increase Pension Age for Mothers In Age, for Women UK, Men UK, a cruelty is not UK or British. This like Faschisms in UK feelings. I am 62 yo Mother in Age UK, Woman UK, British Citizen UK. Politicians UK hate women UK, Mothers UK increasing Pension Age.  USSR hated UK Politicians had 55 yo pension age for women USSR and 60 yo for men USSR, declated plans low 5 years 50/55 looked more humanity UK Politicians blamed USSR/Russia/...

Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP



Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP
Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
Note my UC account was not able no links no sms to open make any report

UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
8 applications applied for a work


So, I print my report soon having access to my Journal  since 16th January 2024 just
this was out ability before for days-weeks.

Voluntary Job
Informator for Police
Kevin Eiry
he asked me on his visit make reports
i sent jpg photos making reports
timed events with photos
of local issues
Police worked on a nearest local side
probably some drug dealers searches was
area was a closed sometimes here too.

I have a clean DBS 2003, 2014, 2017,
some type as for a police /bank staff/ teachers/Nurses/etc.

I am looking for a job just not suitable job offers still
as for women UK 60+ whom had their pension age since 60 yo and not women UK fault some Politicians UK concentrated to spend a budget UK taxpayers  money outside UK increasing pension ages.

Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK


UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
8 applications/ applied for a work

my UC account was not able
no links in emails on my email  with a low dash _  was
no sms was to my mobile too make to open UC Journal to have access
to  make any report

I had not access to journal UC/JCP
no ability
to read/write/make reports/see payments/report changes
in UC profile too till 16-1-2024



16 Jan 2024 at 2:36pm
UC  JCP Job Aplication Report on 16th January 2024
8 applications/ applied for a work

my UC account was not able
no links in emails on my email  with a low dash _  was
no sms was to my mobile too make to open UC Journal to have access
to  make any report

I had not access to journal UC/JCP
no ability
to read/write/make reports/see payments/report changes
in UC profile too till 16-1-2024

The technical issue was not sorted here in JCP in Sutton-in-Ashfield
and  My Work Coach  Elainour asked me to walk outside JCP building checking
if some area problem was as no code sms came on my mobile here
and  no email with link from JCP  came to my email  too
while I sat here waiting lots witnesses.

My attempt to access UC account failed from my home PC local area,
some from JCP buildings
But later things sorted
20:04  Monday 15th  January 2024
the code sms   asked  at ~3pm time from  JCP Sutton-in-Ashfield building
came to my mobile at 20:04 (8:04 pm) Monday 15th  January 2024
what was a late as as outdated as the code ask 3pm was for 15 minutes on a time 3pm+.
and I was not asked this code at 8pm time was not near any computer.

Elainour and other Work Coach Ladies could not sorted issues as some area problem
was locally.

When I left JCP on Monday ~4pm   15/1/2024
I walked to a local store  ASDA in Sutton-in-Ashfield,
I saw a man worked in Kirkby-in-Ashfield JCP as Manager sorted all Internet problem,
he walked fromASDA to centre Sutton-in-Ashfield, I said "Hello!", I was so glad to see a familiar face to me  and after I could not came inside  ASDA as  the store ASDA in Sutton-in-Ashfield
was "closed as a technical issues"  till 16th January 2024.
I stayed no one was inside, after I saw just one security guard was moving inside.
May be a closure of area was I had not checked, this would cost a money make calls to check.

So, I print my report soon having access to my Journal  since 16th January 2024 just
this was out ability before for days-weeks.

Voluntary Job
Informator for Police
Kevin Eiry
he asked me on his visit make reports
i sent jpg photos making reports
timed events with photos
of local issues
Police worked on a nearest local side
probably some drug dealers searches was
area was a closed sometimes here too.

I have a clean DBS 2003, 2014, 2017,
some type as for a police /bank staff/ teachers/Nurses/etc.

I am looking for a job just not suitable job offers still
as for women UK 60+ whom had their pension age since 60 yo and not women UK fault some Politicians UK concentrated to spend a budget UK taxpayers  money outside UK increasing pension ages.

Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP


Note to report 1 as report 3

Published as fears I had not access to UC profile account
to read-write-be informed
make me use my web pages copy diary:

16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP


16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK


I use my web side diary already
as having no access
not able to find read message
make reports any
no ability read any information

No one said me
had any Health meeting
a a job searching

Elainour named herself
My Work Coach.

Had I founded any suitable working place
as University Degree Bachelour in UK
as a work for 62+
offered a Cleaners toulets just
but they prefer male staff
not confusing males working females in males touilets.

Politicians UK used to spend taxpayeres UK collection money outside UK area.

Mansfield Road (main)
closed to Lammas Street
main road of Sutton-in-Ashfield
for cars
had two huge deep holes
no one repairs
make a life of drivers/passengers/public/
any lorry
under a dangerous.

One driver had a car accident a will came inside.

Politicians UK concentrated to spend taxpayers UK money not making a comfort of humanity living conditions in UK area,

this low attitude of locals seen their needs ignored.

Housing Benefit level was not updated for years
see UC payment declared this minus 74 pounds down low of a rent level, making 74 pounds x 12 months = 888  pounds  low of a rent making saving 888 pounds/year of Living Allowance which is a low warranty minimal surviving amount what was named By British Laws UK each should have to survive in UK no less but the low payment HB of rent taking  the 888pounds /year or 74 pounds/month of  LA practically, some my private pension taken too, - so my level as a common UK inside UK as a care of humanity UK Politicians about Nations. They crosed British Laws taken money of LA by paying less HB. And no one able as asks locals to make changes . My financial situation like a low income British Citizen UK, a woman UK, living inside UK, Mother In Age in UK, - Politicians UK hated women and mothers in age in UK.Each woman had a loss health-teeth (I do loss teeth), as my body gave to children be born. And as a person in age I do see Politicians UK and USA or Russia or Ukraine need so lot soldiers make war military attacks destoying properties and lives civilians , lot women, children, men died or wounded, and just some small group had a happiness of sadists looking all this and another smallest of this group had a huge amount money profit sales. and ordinary people have what as British Citizen UK in age? The Increase of Pension with Minus ;888/year of Living Allowance by rules HB Housing Benefit low a rent ;888/year to pay a rent using LA Living Allowance?  This style as not feed enough a way of a killing locals and people in age, - let work for Politicians UK make own good pensions/income/tips/profite (left taking abroad to USA)

Will Ukrainian President Zelenski as British Citizen UK plan be MP UK? will he kind to a low income Britons UK? or not?

16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP


Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 1 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 2 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

16 Jan 2024
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK


I use my web side diary already
as having no access
not able to find read message
make reports any
no ability read any information

No one said me
had any Health meeting
a a job searching

Elainour named herself
My Work Coach.

Had I founded any suitable working place
as University Degree Bachelour in UK
as a work for 62+
offered a Cleaners toulets just
but they prefer male staff
not confusing males working females in males touilets.

Politicians UK used to spend taxpayeres UK collection money outside UK area.

Mansfield Road (main)
closed to Lammas Street
main road of Sutton-in-Ashfield
for cars
had two huge deep holes
no one repairs
make a life of drivers/passengers/public/
any lorry
under a dangerous.

One driver had a car accident a will came inside.

Politicians UK concentrated to spend taxpayers UK money not making a comfort of humanity living conditions in UK area,

this low attitude of locals seen their needs ignored.

Housing Benefit level was not updated for years
see UC payment declared this minus 74 pounds down low of a rent level, making 74 pounds x 12 months = 888  pounds  low of a rent making saving 888 pounds/year of Living Allowance which is a low warranty minimal surviving amount what was named By British Laws UK each should have to survive in UK no less but the low payment HB of rent taking  the 888pounds /year or 74 pounds/month of  LA practically, some my private pension taken too, - so my level as a common UK inside UK as a care of humanity UK Politicians about Nations. They crosed British Laws taken money of LA by paying less HB. And no one able as asks locals to make changes . My financial situation like a low income British Citizen UK, a woman UK, living inside UK, Mother In Age in UK, - Politicians UK hated women and mothers in age in UK.Each woman had a loss health-teeth (I do loss teeth), as my body gave to children be born. And as a person in age I do see Politicians UK and USA or Russia or Ukraine need so lot soldiers make war military attacks destoying properties and lives civilians , lot women, children, men died or wounded, and just some small group had a happiness of sadists looking all this and another smallest of this group had a huge amount money profit sales. and ordinary people have what as British Citizen UK in age? The Increase of Pension with Minus 888 pounds /year of Living Allowance by rules HB Housing Benefit low a rent ;888/year to pay a rent using LA Living Allowance?  This style as not feed enough a way of a killing locals and people in age, - let work for Politicians UK make own good pensions/income/tips/profite (left taking abroad to USA)

Will Ukrainian President Zelenski as British Citizen UK plan be MP UK? will he kind to a low income Britons UK? or not?

16 Jan 2024 at 3:35pm
Ms E I Balzina-Balzin, British Citizen UK location living in UK

Report 3 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP

<>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>  <>
Unsend Report 4 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP
* not send

This is not my guilt be me, aliving living woman UK, Mother in Age UK,
Another Ethnic/Religion/Age
as all some as before was
as Colinial humilation whom hated blamed be another race/religion/age/Ethnic Group/
as a level be hated, discriminated,humilated for a living alive human
with a fact be a British Citizen UK in UK be treated by lots Officials UK with no respect

British Police Officers acted as Hunters on Humans whom were Homosexual Men UK,
Hotel Owners obligated to spy on adults personnel sexual hobbies
The British Laws used humilate adults UK.
Judges make a real criminal sences for Homosexual Sex Choices of Males UK as Adults UK, Taxpayers UK.

Whom acted like hunters on humans UK, spying on adults UK sexual life as Officials UK
they had their career growth on make a support any rules instructions laws of Politicians UK,
look - Hitler Faschism style Germany German Officials acted by the similar way making order of Hitler and a practical job making Holocaust in Europe (EU area).

See, European Politicians make UK like their own enemy for Brexit choice why this was looking
like a divorce proces  UK-EU and UK paid a lot to a budget EU to be respected out EU member friendly to   EU for tens years.

Soon British Taxpayers voted BREXIT as a quality of a road surfaces UK and a comfort of outdated small kitchen-toulets make a discomfort no places for all comfort equipment,

British people voted BREXIT trying  to focus Politicians UK to UK needs:


"Why do UK money paid to Latvia humilated locals in "no vote system" "as another Ethnic Group of Latvia"?  as this means UK supported humilation and discimination people another race/religion/Ethnic Groups in EU Europe Latvia??

Some rules for any British Citizen UK working, living in Latvia on donation UK to Latvia was
with no any return back from Latvia to UK,
including this one point:

British Citizens UK worked in Latvia had not any pensions of Latvia
as Latvian "thanks to UK money helped Latvia" was, as a way to pay to a wrong side states having
no thankful way back as  EU European Union area.

They picked UK Taxpayers money to their budgets.
British Citizens UK spent a time in Latvian prison as a over-drunken Britons Tourists abroad.
Lots Britons males came to piss on Latvian Monument Woman Laura as dogs did on a stick way
as a popular wedding night celebration traditions lits tasks to do for a real man before a wedding was to sort by publications in British newspapers explaining this is not nice make stop it.

So, lots voted for BREXIT as a drunken Britons jailed in Latvian prison for fantasies to do before they marry as much too cruel, all males UK had fears needed tasks jumping over fears nervouses. So, this more regarding mental health regarding the stress fears male be married man  righter a criminal activity.

Lots Britons men obligated to make a list of tasks
some walked a fully naked and drunken back to own home
some jumped out a bridge on a safe support
some started make a vulgar piss activity new tasks what a stupid but nervous fears stress.

We felt  it was a cruel to jail Britons in Latvian jail as British Tourists UK,
they just over-worked in UK, UK paid to EU to Latvia money from money these drunken British men UK.

This put women and men UK voted for Brexit  as a solidarity be one British Nations knowing they all work hard in UK, paying huge taxes and in EU budget make another way to sort things was wrong not so cruel.

Latvia jailed Britons British Tourists males and UK voted BREXIT not to pay UK money to Latvia having a cruelty to British people and British men UK as British tourists UK abroad.

I think this was a correct way to decided if some disliked our British hard working men tourists
this state Latvia should not take grant EU as UK was a payee to EU budget.

We feel Latvia should return back money grants to Latvia back to UK budget.

But EU had not returned UK money to EU budget, had they?

EU was acted cruelty to UK.

Look, two people lived together make own united budget
and one (UK) left EU and this like a divorce process.

The attitude EU to UK is a true face of European Politicians hated and hate UK.

It was a mistake UK to pay to EU budget money not spending inside UK.

UK and Germany united in the union EU
as a result WWII.

Germany attacked UK 1939-1945 as the best friend UK in their Union EU was till BREXIT (divorce)

German military planes bombed UK area during WWII (WWI) make Germany best friend liked UK?

British Politicians UK paid to EU budget were sure
"These Germans Politicians liked UK as bombed UK "just for 1939 till 1945 years only and they had a stop this!"

British Politicians UK united to ex-German Faschists ex-Hitler Germany in EU union
make some colours of Hitler Officials habits reduce population as "unwanted" copied be a British taktic inside UK.  and no allies USSR as ruined not existing to stop the reducation humans UK "as unwanted" "low income" "still some blame".

To pay HB not some as a rent to push make saving from LA making less LA
what British Laws named warranty minimal surviving amount each MUST HAVE in UK
what making working places in UK created jobs providing benefits.

but what they do having full time work paid work not updating level HB, LA, JSA, UC
as a paid full time job?

Soon, any loss a job, a health, a pensioner, on benefits,
they easy found others had easy full time paid work in UK not make any work duty
as update benefit level, no sms, no links, no emails, - this like a good paid pension way look
and so a natural ask others wants some especially people in age:  Mmm so nice so lot sit here no one client or a que waiting chats and still a warm office full time paid work named like a work while when I worked 12 hours shift had less and still a social low them all!?

No lots "unemployed" and lots officials sat down near PC.
But if you wait a code as sms - no one worked sent it to you
or to sent email with a link.

Work Coach  named as Work Coach
already  some type Health Provider
and  no one show their ID /Licences/Certificate/DBS/right to work in UK/no names sometimes.

You see a British comedy film "Some Mothers Have Them"?  "Some Mothers Have 'em?" film
as a Job Center Advicers offered Job Places to unemployed UK British Citizen UK?

And you had not find this in JCP
they collected reports/checks
they do not help you to find any job in UK
they had not whom make a recommendation too
but they paid as some unknown structure tasks some resources of state people.

and i asked not knowing a correct job work title some work to find
and one wrote be
and after
i checked this was a right conserge word.

He said me he was able find any work easy
but he had just this easy official UK JCP work what if to come stay till a pension.

But this was just one case any tried help me to find a job in UK.

They listened you in a silence
not helped or adviced
as really? no working place for some Ethnic Groups/religion/race as a fact of racial things.

Racial Colonial UK had not provided support as working places
and if you are still as I am "Latvian Aliens Russian Ethnic" inside British Ethnic Groups UK
as British Citizen UK?

I had a place as a Volonter for Work and Pension Department British Govertment UK
to cover a busy Christmas time as archive work, and I signed the Introduction At Work 1st step
and I came back to a home, make preparations to work next day already
and it was a call to me not to come to a work (my Ethnic Group UK as British Citizen UK was a barrier).

After that British newspapers named Russian Citizen of Russia as Russian Ethnic of Russia state and
she worked on a warm paid office place in British Parliament on Military Tasks UK Programms
which place provided as to a talanted British student UK.

Look, I was not a student, I have the University Degree.
I calculated the optimal parameters of Dosimeter measured radiation for Chenobyl Catastrophe zone
as Consultant Mathematician Analitician for Designer of Devices (my 1st husband), after some work title in UK.

I had not any good working place offers in UK for 1998-2024 as just "Care Assistant", "Sewing Ironing Pressing Checking Garments< Control of Quality", "Warehouse Assistant", "Temporal 1 month Book-keeper of private company (Chineese Ethnic owner, thanks), "3 years of Bags Packers -Shop Assistant-Chasier", "Warehouse Assistant", "Care Assistant", "Cleaner" (in Matalan).

Any work I might work barried in interview as Another Ethnic .
Including already 1st on interview as a Cleaner for Ashfield Council in Kirkby-in-Ashfield building
as I had some accent on English.

This means you have not any working place here in UK if some hate you be you like you
as another Ethnic born outside UK and all British Citizenship and  British Passports UK not what protect your rights be alive living .

They created way low your low minimal income
left less on a food supply what a way of killing people in UK.

No any Solisitors as a low income and as whom created this much powerful all them.

See Assange destiny
he run as a panic attack as fears of death penalty in USA if deportation to USA.

UK had not a death penalty and a death penalty is a crime in UK.

But British Judge had closed a claim USA on deportation to USA so "no worries any British Laws might be broken".

Assange spent a time isolated (no walks on a fresh air) what is a type of tortures
and tortures named illegal criminal activities in UK.

British Judge had not looked like this way while all Britons remembered Assange was taken by hands on British Police Force Officiers - he could no move work on one, so, he was so ill.

He was not put to a British Hospital to check
his mental health as a panic attack stress isolation
his health as he could not work

He was not presented in body in his Court too.

USA blames was USA blames what was not UK blames.

But he was kept in a British prison after he spent his sences
looking he  knew some sensitive secrets
one of so sensitive might been connected to pedafailes UK? secrets?

This was a typee torture humilation of adult man just married
and his fault was

1. a freedom information declared by American Constitution and British Constitution
2. he was a naive man if he believed in a freedom of speeches and information in UK/in USA.
3. His group put a video as journalists "PRESSA" had been shooted by a military helicopter USA making a hunter job  on humans on journalists still filmed, - this copy was open publicly to show.
4. USA and UK are closed allies.
5. It was to check
6. But say me whom your closed friend? whom used military helicopter to hunter on humans journalists PRESSA  and a shooting civilians from military helicopters style power coming as fears.
7. British Politicians were not interesting to discuss the use of a military helicopter on huntering on humans journalists pressa.
8. British Police Officers had no interest to investigate a video
if this was a fake video or a real video?
whom was murdered killed shooted here ? names/Citizenship/Journalists or not? /Country origin?
9. But some British Frelance Journalists PRESSA could be?
10. This video might be an actor play fake news video too. Or a real video.
11. Politicians , Police Officers UK, Judges UK prefer a style "We want to listen nothings, to know nothing!" = so like "We are a fully Blind and Deaf adults UK in power in UK"?
12. some men were tall like British-American-Neaderthland Tall slim men, lots ssome types men are British Londoners.
And so strange be a blind and a deaf
if some British Citizens UK were as Journalists target for shooting on humans
13. Or they had not been a journalists? a servants of someone in UK? and some order to shoot own staff servance to closed the some information like a sensite out?
14. We knew they were PRESSA and Journalist by words as no names. So a correct word to use "Some Group Of Unknown men", whom might been was PRESSA.
15. Stalin best friend was Hitler. This cost more blood when Hitler attacked USSR and Stalin land.
16. The loyalty Stalin friendship to Hitler ruined after Russia "to eat what Stalin loaylty to Hitler left".
17. The loyalty friendship Stalin to Hitler closed way to demolition warehouses with military equipment , oil, petrol, planes, bombs, -  Hitler Army came to Moscow in 1942 over reported demolushed bridges across rivers, demolished rail way, roads, warehouses.
18. German West rail had not a wide distance of rails USSR making all vagons of Europe were not able to move on another Sovier rail wide German rail wideness.
19. all vagons cubes trains wills distance were for German in EU area just and not for USSR area wide distance.
20. but Hitler Germany make impossible practicall things, - vagons of EU Germany crossed a border USSR wide Germans for wills and crossed demolished bridges across rivers and rails and the demolished warehouse worked to a military task of Hitler.
21. Lots Partisanned of Belorussia-Russia-Ukraine demolished rails ways in USSR area
but German army easy moved not noticed all  demolished not exisiting any more so moved till Moscow till 1942 easily.
22. Lots men named themselves were Partisanens in WWII and military sabotagees, -no one had a qlue how make any demolution device practically while lots films had this show.
23. See Ukraine 2014-2024  lots men of WWII had fully forgot skills WWII they fighted with German Army as Partisannens USSR or a military sabotages or military USSR.  2014-2024 no one open memorised own declared skills of WWII time.
24. Ukraine bombed own East Ukraine towns, villages with Ukrainian Citizen of Ukraine.
no responces back any
just accepting this way
for a long
till Russian special force operation fluided the whole Ukraine area.
25. I am not able to understand a logistic trasport scheme of supply Adolph Hitler German Faschists Army in their military unhuman compain 1941-1945 in USSR area
1941-1944  USSR  area
- demolished bridges across rivers  in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- demolished rail ways tracks in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- demolished waherhouses/factories in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- demolushed roads in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- no containers no warehouses to make military warehouseing as all were in USSR as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages
- no containers for train to keep oil/petrol to give for army
- the wideness of soviet rails wide European German rail ways tracks make German vagons trains were useless in USSR area and nothing left as explosed by Soviet Army and Partisinnens and sabotages USSR
= so, what was a way to provide a petrol-oil-engine supplies from Germany factories to USSR till Moscow  under attacks  military planes and partisannen? what way of delivery was as so long way still safe?
== a petrol /oil/spirit make explosion on a fire == to transport is a problem and Germany-under Moscow way? 1942-1943 ?

The one logic possible safe way (1)  if Hitler bought petrol oil gas from Stalin USSR delivered safety to places as a payments.

Another possible logical way (2) Some other people said if no Hitler was but a local power Officials used reduce population in areas they stayed make a possible delivery all as local supplies.

And 3rd possible way (3) not 1 not 2 but 3rd we do not understand as a historical publicly open to search way.

Possible ways 1 and 2 make people not trust to own Politicians or Officials as lots wars were being
if they saw their financial needs were eing ignored and asks too.

Unsend Report 4 to Work Coach Elainour UC JCP
not sent

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15:12, January 16, 2024
Former USSR
Latvia expels Russian speakers from the country. Why did the authorities decide to get rid of hundreds of Russian pensioners?
The Latvian authorities began to expel Russian-speaking pensioners from the country

The plot of the Visa to Europe:

Photo: Ints Kalnins / Reuters

15:12, January 16, 2024
Former USSR

Latvia expels Russian speakers from the country. Why did the authorities decide to get rid of hundreds of Russian pensioners?

The Latvian authorities began to expel Russian-speaking pensioners from the country

The Latvian authorities have begun to expel Russian-speaking pensioners from the country.

It is clarified that 1,167 people are under threat of deportation, 789 of them are over 60 years old.

It's like in medicine: the worse the situation, the faster you need to act. If gangrene has started, you just need to cut off this limb, no matter how terrible it sounds

Andreis Erglis
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia
Russians are under threat of deportation due to Latvian language exams
Elderly Russians are massively unable to take the Latvian language exam, which is needed to extend a residence permit, according to the data of the State Center for Educational Content (VISC). More than 50 percent of participants in the 66-74 age group and 80 percent in the over-75 age group failed the exam.

In 2023, 17.8 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation had to take the exam. Less than 40 percent of the candidates passed the test the first time.

Photo: Ints Kalnins / Reuters

There have already been several high-profile stories about the expulsion of Russians in the country
On January 10, 82-year-old head of the Latvian-Russian Cooperation Association Boris Katkov received a letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which stated that he was considered a national threat and for this reason was deprived of a residence permit and deported. The letter also stated that the pensioner has a month to challenge this decision.

On January 12, at 8 a.m., border guards arrived at Katkov's house in Riga and announced that they would deport him. They were given an hour to pack, and in case of disobedience, they promised to break down the doors and take them away by force. The law enforcement officers ignored the right to appeal the decision on deportation.

Materials on the topic:
"It's a pain for us!"In the Baltic States, memorials to Soviet soldiers are being demolished again. Why is it so important for the authorities to get rid of them?
September 12, 2022
"I'm not leaving my land!"30 years ago, the Baltic States became independent. How did the collapse of the USSR change the lives of the Russian population?
September 17th, 2021
Also, for ignorance of the language, the Latvian authorities decided to deport a blind 72-year-old pensioner from the country.

A resident of Liepaja has been visually impaired since childhood and needs constant care and support. With the help of relatives, the woman began collecting documents for the extension of her residence permit back in December 2022. However, she failed to receive a medical withdrawal from the Latvian language exam on time due to queues that delayed the process until November 2023. Because of this, the blind pensioner had to undergo language testing, which she failed to pass in reading and writing.

Photo: Ints Kalnins / Reuters

The Russian authorities reacted to the deportations

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the deportation of elderly people from the Baltic States an absolute disgrace.

"Of course, for any State, such a practice of forced expulsions is an absolute disgrace",

Peskov said.

Materials on the topic:

"Garbage with a Soviet mentality"
In the Baltic States, they are fighting with the Russian language again. Why is he considered a threat to Europe?
July 24, 2021

"It is necessary to act urgently"
Russia is trying to return compatriots to their homeland.
How is this problem being solved in the world?
July 20, 2023

State Duma Deputy
Maria Butina
in conversation with Lenta.<url>" stressed that

The Russian authorities will not abandon any of the deportees.

She called the deportations themselves "a blatant violation of human rights, which the West so insists on." "In fact, this is Nazism. Because a person is persecuted because he speaks a certain language, considers himself to belong to a certain culture," Butina said.

Latvia introduced new restrictions for Russians and Belarusians in 2022
According to the new version of the law, Latvia will stop issuing work visas to Russians. In addition, the Seimas will tighten the conditions for extending residence permits for citizens of Russia and Belarus. It is also noted that Russians living in the Baltic Republic who have a permanent residence permit must confirm their proficiency in the state language.

Materials on the topic:
"This is an ordinary revenge"In Latvia, it was forbidden to study in Russian. Why is this called historical justice?
December 1, 2019

"Gently kicked out for refusing to communicate"Latvians have forgotten Russian, and now they are losing their jobs and leaving their homeland
May 6, 2018

At the same time, there is a norm in the law that provides for an exception in the issuance of a residence permit for up to five years for Russians and Belarusians. It is clarified that the head of the Latvian Foreign Ministry may order the issuance of such a document, provided that it will comply with the interests of Latvia and international legal norms, as well as be related to humanitarian purposes.

Alevtina Zapolskaya
Comments are disabled

Comments are disabled

My father 86 yo said me he might be deported to Russia
I said not worry if Latvia will deport you - my place as your daughter to move be with you in Russia too,
staying together

Latvia was a part of   Russian Empair-USSR with Russian state language for all Ethnic groups
Latvian Lettish Ethnic Group 1 of lots Ethnic Groups UK

Russian Ekaterina II paid money collecting Latvian folk
USSR spent money  printing books on Latvian language free education on a native language

Thanks of Latvians men women was to destroy education of other Ethnic groups.

Lots left Latvia (taking money).

Latvia give me and my children to leave I signed off my property and left all bits inside
including own personnel clothes jewerty books all bought my own money or presents
including my wedding presents to me left in Latvia too

this was like to die   :   each iteam was yours already not. 1998 I left Latvia
and my Soviet Inion flat left to Latvia.

Latvia expels Russian speakers from the country

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Latvia expels Russian speakers from the country

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15:12, 16 января 2024
Бывший СССР
Латвия высылает из страны русскоязычных. Почему власти решили избавиться от сотен русских пенсионеров?
Власти Латвии начали выдворять из страны русскоязычных пенсионеров

Сюжет Визы в Европу:

Фото: Ints Kalnins / Reuters

15:12, 16 января 2024
Бывший СССР

Латвия высылает из страны русскоязычных. Почему власти решили избавиться от сотен русских пенсионеров?

Власти Латвии начали выдворять из страны русскоязычных пенсионеров

Власти Латвии начали выдворять из страны русскоязычных пенсионеров.

Уточняется, что под угрозой депортации находятся 1167 человек, из них 789 старше 60 лет.

Это как в медицине: чем хуже ситуация, тем быстрее надо действовать. Если началась гангрена, надо просто отрезать эту конечность, как бы ужасно это ни звучало

Андрейс Эрглис
профессор медицинского факультета Латвийского университета
Россияне находятся под угрозой депортации из-за экзаменов по латышскому языку
Пожилые россияне массово не могут сдать экзамен по латышскому языку, который нужен для продления ВНЖ, говорится в данных Государственного центра содержания образования (VISC). Экзамен провалили более 50 процентов участников в возрастной группе от 66 до 74 лет и 80 процентов в возрастной группе старше 75 лет.

В 2023 году экзамен должны были сдать 17,8 тысячи граждан РФ. С первого раза тест сдало менее 40 процентов кандидатов.

Фото: Ints Kalnins / Reuters

В стране уже произошло несколько резонансных историй с выдворением россиян
10 января 82-летний руководитель Латвийско-российской ассоциации сотрудничества Борис Катков получил письмо от МВД, в котором говорилось, что его считают национальной угрозой и по этой причине лишают ВНЖ и депортируют. Также в письме сообщалось, что у пенсионера есть месяц на то, чтобы оспорить это решение.

12 января в 8 утра в дом к Каткову в Риге приехали пограничники и объявили, что депортируют его. На сборы дали час, в случае неповиновения обещали выломать двери и увезти насильно. Право на обжалование решения о депортации правоохранители проигнорировали.

Материалы по теме:
«Это же боль для нас!»В Прибалтике вновь сносят мемориалы советским воинам. Почему властям так важно избавиться от них?
12 сентября 2022
«Я со своей земли не уйду!»30 лет назад Прибалтика стала независимой. Как распад СССР изменил жизнь русского населения?
17 сентября 2021
Также за незнание языка власти Латвии решили депортировать из страны незрячую 72-летнюю пенсионерку.

Жительница города Лиепая является инвалидом по зрению с детства и нуждается в постоянном уходе и сопровождении. С помощью родственников женщина начала собирать документы для продления вида на жительство еще в декабре 2022 года. Однако получить медицинский отвод от экзамена по латышскому языку в срок ей не удалось из-за очередей, затянувших процесс до ноября 2023 года. Из-за этого незрячей пенсионерке пришлось проходить языковое тестирование, которое ей не удалось пройти по чтению и письму.

Фото: Ints Kalnins / Reuters

Российские власти отреагировали на депортации

Официальный представитель Кремля Дмитрий Песков назвал абсолютным позором депортацию пожилых людей из стран Балтии.

 «Безусловно, для любого государства подобная практика принудительных высылок является абсолютным позором»,

— сказал Песков.

Материалы по теме:

«Мусор с советским менталитетом»
В Прибалтике опять воюют с русским языком. Почему его считают угрозой для Европы?
24 июля 2021

«Необходимо действовать срочно»
Россия пытается вернуть на родину соотечественников.
Как эту проблему решают в мире?
20 июля 2023

Депутат Госдумы
Мария Бутина
в беседе с «Лентой.ру» подчеркнула, что

российские власти не бросят никого из депортированных.

Сами депортации она назвала «вопиющим фактом нарушения прав человека, о которых так твердит Запад». «Фактически, это нацизм. Потому что человека преследуют за то, что он говорит на определенном языке, причисляет себя к определенной культуре», — сказала Бутина.

Латвия ввела новые ограничения для россиян и белорусов в 2022 году
Согласно новой редакции закона, Латвия прекратит выдавать рабочие визы россиянам. Помимо этого, Сейм ужесточит условия продления видов на жительство для граждан России и Белоруссии. Также отмечается, что проживающие в прибалтийской республике россияне, имеющие постоянный ВНЖ, должны подтвердить владение государственным языком.

Материалы по теме:
«Это обыкновенная месть»В Латвии запретили учиться на русском. Почему это называют исторической справедливостью?
1 декабря 2019

«Мягко вытурили за отказ общаться»Латыши забыли русский, а теперь теряют работу и покидают родину
6 мая 2018

При этом в законе есть норма, которая предусматривает исключение в выдаче ВНЖ сроком до пяти лет для россиян и белорусов. Уточняется, что глава МИД Латвии может распорядиться о выдаче такого документа при условии, что это будет соответствовать интересам Латвии и международным правовым нормам, а также будет связано с гуманитарными целями.

Алевтина Запольская
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Комментарии отключены

Latvia expels Russian speakers from the country


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