
Autumn, the sun and warmth,
No humidity.
No rains and no mushrooms,
But a lot of humility.

Autumn, non-ending wars,
No humanity.
Just money and stories, but false…
A lot of stupidity.

Autumns, how long that will be going on?
Guns and drones…
Souls that will see no daylight any more….
USA- scum and lovers of weapons.

Autumn, you are kind of end,
A touch for a pause.
You must peace across the world spread,
And love and hope.

Autumn, the sun for everybody is shining,
Why not everybody for peace is striving?
Why people are so cruel and crude?
It’s normal to hate and be rude?...

Autumn, bring us that long-awaited day,
That will cover the earth with joy and hey.
Autumn, bring us clearness in mind,
And terminate rancour of all kind.
