The Watermark

And this is only Aphrodite
was born only from sea foam.
And forest fuckers
are born from rotten wood.
We'll always know who's in front of us.
If we don't forget this verse.

Let's vow to remember
So as not to be deceived by the look.
Forest Uebishche with Aphrodite confused -
serious mistake.
The elements will definitely appear
predetermined traits.

On genealogical trees
different fruits grow on each branch.
Grandmothers don’t always have anything to do with it.
Nothing to do with it at all, in the metaphysical aspect.

This Dragon sent congratulations on the approaching transition of the cycle.
He has already placed his water sign diagonally across the entire gray sky.
This poem was written on it.

Yes, you don’t have to introduce yourself,
I know who you are even without this.
Well, how about where? This is The Horoscope.
Is it about animals?
Oh sorry.
Dust, boredom and a heavy dinner - it just seemed like it.
Virgo and are you a snake by year? Air from the elements?
Certainly. I don't even know how
This error crept into my calculation.
I'm are a famous astrologer.
I apologize again

Are you proud of your ancestry?
Of course not, as you might think,
That you are not your father's son, born from the element of dust.
Although this is a Virgo sign,
And my grandmother was an impeccable woman.
Oh no, I was misunderstood.
The influence is not that much...
Dust, yes, from under the bed
This is definitely a misunderstanding.

I'm so sorry that your expectations weren't met
Yes, I understand what you expected
about you and your elements,
but that's the same in a way
sorry a hundred times
Of course, the year of the dragon will favor prosperity for you
I apologize again

(omg, the dust-man almost killed Guddini. He didn't predict horoscopes anymore, but then he was killed by another dust-man)
