
Trump knows he can be 'normie' Trump on Fox News


an ordinary or conventional person, as distinguished from someone who is a member of a particular group or subculture:
"I need a guide for geeks struggling to buy presents for normies";·;"the venue had a “no blue jeans” policy to keep out normies"


January 13, 2021
Normie is a slang for a “normal person,” especially someone seen to have conventional, mainstream tastes, interests, viewpoints, etc. It is intended as an insult but often used ironically.
Normie is also sometimes used by specific in-groups to refer and distinguish themselves from specific out-groups.


As is so often true of slang, the term normie is older than you may think. Shortened from normal and combined with the informal, diminutive –ie suffix, normie is evidenced in the written record as early as the 1950s. Historically, the term has been specifically used as a way for people with physical disabilities to refer to people without them.

In the 2000s, normie spread on social media as an insult whose lifestyle, fashion, hobbies, and the like are perceived to be too normal: they are uninteresting, unoriginal, and conforming to the mainstream culture. To draw on another slang term, a normie is “basic”—or to dust off some older slang, they are “square.”

Here are some more details on the evolution of normie in popular culture:

Normie was used in the 1987 film The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, although with a different meaning than it has today. In this instance, normie was used by the Garbage Pail Kids characters (grotesque versions of the then-popular Cabbage Patch Kids dolls) to differentiate between themselves and humans.

Throughout the late 1990s and into the early 2000s, normie was used by certain communities to describe outsiders. Websites like feature articles such as “What I Know About Dating Normies” and “10 Things a Normie Doesn’t Understand About Addiction” to contrast the life of those in recovery groups and normies on the outside. Normie has also been used by people with disabilities to describe those without.

Around the time Urban Dictionary logged the term in 2004, it began circulating through different social groups on the internet. In the late 2000s, it was adopted by cosplayers and anime enthusiasts and used to describe people who liked what they considered basic anime or weren’t as passionate about anime. In 2012 normie gained popularity on the 4chan forums. Through the mid 2010s it was a staple on meme subreddits such as r/memeeconomy, usually accompanied by a Pepe meme.

As normie proliferated 4chan, the online subculture of men called incels (involuntary celibate) began using it in conjunction with the term blue-pilled normalfag, which derides a man who spends time on male message boards but still gets dates or has a girlfriend or wife. Blue-pilled normalfag is closely associated with normie, though the latter slang has broader and less offensive uses.

Looking to the social media site Twitter, normie rose in usage in the late 2010s and broadly refers to people thought of as simply boring and mainstream. In this sense, the word is often associated with normcore, which is a fashion style or way of dressing characterized by ordinary, plain clothing with no designer names, often a reaction against trendy fashion.

What is the opposite of normie?
Need antonyms for normie? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
Opposite of a normal person
Opposite of person who is not conversant with a particular activity or skill
Opposite of a normal person
geek maverick neckbeard outcast outlier outsider rogue eccentric freethinker exile pariah leper refugee castaway expatriate nonconformist individualist reject deportee heretic bohemian castoff offscouring iconoclast loner evacuee DP undesirable deviant outlaw boho dissenter dissident character counterculturist untouchable oddity nonconformer waif oddball nut rebel crank derelict vagabond freak weirdo fugitive radical kook original stray nutter nutcase screwball flake case recluse crackpot wacko protester tramp vagrant bum rascal hobo individual misfit reprobate dissentient weirdie wack loon wretch foundling card loony malcontent Ishmael wackadoodle wackadoo gink dingbat trendsetter free spirit asylum seeker head case odd fellow one-off black sheep unorthodox person loose cannon bad boy odd bod odd fish unconventional person queer fish rum customer
Opposite of person who is not conversant with a particular activity or skill
ace adept artiste authority doyen expert guru master old hand old pro pro professional specialist virtuoso whiz wizard


a person whose dress or behavior seems strange or eccentric:
"the streets are dangerous and there are too many weirdos around"
free spirit

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