
I'm addicted to writing!
It's my love, it's exciting!
Whatever I write, it comes true,
So I use my addiction
To compose a prediction
Of the future - for me and for you!

There's no suffering there,
Everybody does care
About everyone's feeling alright!
We are mentally healthy,
Our planet is wealthy,
No conditions for hate and for fight.

Everyone has a passion,
People love self expression,
Music, dancing and joy on the streets,
Not by talent you're measured,
You create, having pleasure,
You can love what you love and that's it!

Kids're allowed to be loud!
Their laugh is money now!
You can buy for 2 laughs anything!
Very quickly you get it:
After laugh - just a second!
And you hear delivery's ring!

All the robots are busy,
Life of humans is easy,
Everything is for you to create!
There's no such thing like frustration,
You have imagination,
You're your movie, it's funny and great!

Everybody's a dancer,
So no one has any cancer,
All the cancers are now in the seas,
Instead of having a tumor
People have a sense of humor,
Joy defeated this joyless disease!

No more place for abusers,
It became kinda useless,
Because everyone is full of love,
Some of them became athletes,
Eating chicken and cutlets,
So they're now complete and enough.

There're no wars in that future,
Profit from it is mutual,
No one's living in fear anymore,
Our way can be proper,
We can all shine and prosper,
Living our true self and explore!

Just imagine it now:
Everyone is a flower,
We're the valley of beautiful ones!
Every flower is awesome
And deserves being blossomed,
Every flower can folow the sun!

There's no such place as "abroad":
It's the long winding road
But we've done it: one Country of Earth!
Humans came to uniting,
We became strong and mighty,
We're the giants of this Universe!

Our power is friendship,
No one is under pressure,
Just imagine this life, how it feels,
Where you follow your flow,
Way, that you wanna go,
Where everyone's living his dreams.

January 7, 2024

P.S. I sing it on my channel Maliberta here:
