Matilda Stoss

and the stronger the protection
more persistently the onslaught of topics.
and you are the pressure of this world
Can't stand it anymore?
and this world has always been like this.
and the column of atmosphere presses on every person,
still weighing two hundred and fourteen kilograms.
and what is it like to live under such pressure?
and the idiots in power will increase the weight
of this additional ballast,
up to twenty-four tons, tenfold.

but to press on at the likes of us,
it's like fighting the void.
our city is empty, there is no one in it,
it ghostly belongs to Mathilde Stoss.
and we need an anthem in her honor.

and this is a song about Matilda Stoss.
The fairy read to you about her when you still couldn’t speak.
your eyes were like saucers, although you didn’t understand a word.
Matilda Stoss is your talisman

Is this book not for children?
the fairy knew better.
and if suddenly it seemed that
the siege of your fortress is no longer bearable,
roll up the defensive walls
and put our cardboard Matilda Stoss forward.
she is as calm as the sultry air.
and we sing a song about Matilda Stoss
Matilda Stoss.
then you fell on your diaper
when you first heard her name.

they want you to be with them for the same thing -
retorted or agreed.
Matilda Stoss won’t even answer this.
Matilda Stoss, Matilda Stoss,
Yes, German can scare anyone.
fairies always know
a remedy for any incomprehensible situation.

boy, the world is so unbearable,
but Matilda Stoss will always be on your side.
from her name, your eyes were like saucers.
say it to their face.
Matilda Stoss.
this is an anthem.
more serious?
Matilda Stoss.
