
Nothingburgers like Trump will stop at nothing to remain in power ... "
Bill Maher

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this?

be a nothingburger
informal To seem or be presented as important but turn out to be utterly insignificant or unsubstantial. Used especially in reference to politics. Primarily heard in US.
There was so much buildup surrounding his big speech, but it ended up being just another nothingburger full of meaningless, self-aggrandizing fluff.
For all the talk about how the new form of digital currency would revolutionize the modern economy, it's really just another vacuous nothingburger doomed to obscurity.
See also: nothingburger
informal That which is, seems, or is presented as being important but turns out to be utterly insignificant or unsubstantial. Used especially in reference to politics. Also spelled "nothing burger." Primarily heard in US.
There was so much buildup surrounding his big speech, but it ended up being just another nothingburger full of meaningless, self-aggrandizing fluff.
For all the talk about how the new form of digital currency would revolutionize the modern economy, it's really just another nothingburger doomed to obscurity.
His allegations are a total nothing burger. I wasn't even in the office that day.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
See also:
be a nothingburger
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse operation
little white lie
(little) white lie
a white lie
be a drop in the ocean

Stop at nothing

be utterly ruthless or determined in one's attempt to achieve something:

"he would stop at nothing to retain his position of power"

Will ‘Stop at nothing’ to Remain in Power
