Green Fucking Plastic

You are just getting fit
attending lots of
parties (jealous just aware)

I'm just using this green
with a flat scrawny
Roof-top - dog-box
encraved with fucking plastic

You are a dream man
totally dreamboat
consist from diamonds

You love your women
for being quite enough quite strong* 
gold scowling, silver - hot!
Anyone I know?

Put my medicine away
decay already my twice middle name
feel fire something definitely's off
I'm sorry, darling for everything I'm not

Your mesmerizing dancer
looking lit
paying visits to all your after parties

You shout at me using now
thwarting box
butterfly on top a pill
encraved with mine idiotic "plastic"

Him suppressing his negative
thoughts which bad (A-minus)
for mental health

Guilty, baby but love is killing me 
so happy, baby you screwed up
glued on you for century
not get enough of LCD* 

He screams - Stop! A pain is suffocating
me - said genuinely, stupidly
A woman sadly said - his name
was J! I am done, but anyway...

* - Here is the thing, I am describing women of his imagination. They covered in gold and silver but no thing in between simply doesn't exist. And no matter what he will choose either gold or silver everything will be wrong. Because in my opinion golden women, which got used to being rich are gold, silver less effective but still strong. I am making them bitchy a bit, cuz in the end the will throw him away. The line: "... for being quite enough,  quite strong" is talking about that. I am not of these women, for me something is off with this man and for me he'll remain the same whilst I decay.

* - LSD works by activating serotonin receptors in the brain — which produces changes in visual, auditory, and tactile perception. It promotes introspection and dissolving of the “ego”.
