Confession of a Ghost. 28. 13. Roof

a novel by Alexandra Kryuchkova


*****HELLO, the SUN!*****

Somewhere in the Universe

“Here is your long-awaited Sun, my soul,” the Guardian smiled when we got on the third floor of the Palace.

“Hello, dear Rukh! Don’t be afraid, I’m not evil,” the Sun delighted me, hugging with his rays, as at the same moment a frightening hiss was heard behind the curtain by the window, but the Sun calmly said to the curtain, “Go away and don’t stick your head out until I’m talking to Rukh.”

“What is this?” I asked with horror, looking at the Guardian.

“Never mind, we’ll manage it!” the Sun smiled and sat down on the throne in the center of the hall, inviting us to sit nearby in luxurious armchairs. “So, Rukh, what has the Guardian already told you about me?”

“You are one of the two strongest planets, my life-giver, that is, the planet that gives me life energy, and Pluto will take it away.”

“I’m stronger than your Pluto, don’t worry! So… In the fiery Sign of Aries, where my powers are most manifested, I’m exalting.”

“Aries is the first Sign of the Circle,” the Guardian added. “Years ago, when the Sun used to leave Piscis for Aries and the day was equal to the night, people celebrated the New Year. Symbol of the beginning of life.”

“Therefore,” the Sun continued, “any soul incarnated during my stay in the first Sign of the Circle is an eternal child. This is the main characteristic of the Sun in Aries, the rest is consequence. Who are children? Open-hearted creatures who have not lost touch with Heaven, they are naive and trusting, honest, frank, direct – they always say what they think and feel. They haven’t yet been taught to flatter, dissemble and pretend, so children act directly, don’t go around and don’t play behind-the-scenes games.”

The terrifying hiss was heard behind the curtain again.

“Ignore it,” the Sun breathed. “The eternal child wants to be himself and do as he sees fit. Children usually don’t distinguish halftones, just ‘I want’ or ‘I don’t want’. They don’t know the laws of the earthly world, for example, ‘this is possible’ and ‘that is impossible’, or reject them, they are all ‘lay it out and put it down’, ‘here and now’. They stubbornly try to pass through a stone wall, filling themselves with a lot of bumps, because on Earth, unlike in Heaven, walls have a density. Children are in the process of learning and growing. Having received a long-awaited ‘toy’ and instantly studied it ‘from A to Z’, as a rule, they immediately lose interest in it. Although, they have favorite toys too.”

“In general, Rukh, kids love to play,” the Guardian chuckled, “and they believe in what adults call fairy tales, in guardians, for example. I’m sure you won’t forget me and write a fairy tale about me.”

“Solar Aries is a noble knight-romantic, idealist. He is fearless and unselfishly rushes to help at the first call of his neighbor, but he needs to be constantly stroked on the head and praised for every ‘outstanding’ deed,” the Sun stroked me with its rays. “Aries should always be the first and the best.”

“Hence, Rukh, the love of breakneck speed,” the Guardian sighed. “These are ‘human racers’, they need to overtake everyone to reach the finish line first. This position of the Sun often threatens with a concussion.”

An even more ominous hissing was heard behind the curtain, and I involuntarily grabbed the Guardian’s hand.

“The leader who ignites the masses with his fire and leads them, plays at full,” the Sun continued calmly, paying no attention to the hissing creature. “Such people are drawn to large-scale actions. Besides, children have the maximum charge of physical energy, the flow of which decreases in the course of life. Accordingly, the energy of the Sun in Aries is pulsating. These are the most energetic and active people. It’s difficult for them to sit still, they are drawn to adventure and travel. Impulsive, easily carried away by some new experiences, they are pioneers. Fearless kid likes everything connected with risk and initiative, he copes well with any project from scratch. One is able to inspire others to work by one’s own example, but lacks perseverance and patience, chronically cannot stand stagnation, monotony and routine, often quits halfway through.”

“The Sun in Aries either leads or works alone, a subordinate and dependent position is not for him,” the Guardian added. “He doesn’t even like to get sick and until the last moment he holds on so as not to become dependent on something or someone. The value of personal freedom is too high. Overvoltage is guaranteed.”

“Aries is ruled by a militant Mars, Pluto helps him with magical charm, so one stands out of the crowd, doesn’t go unnoticed. Among the Solar Aries there were many famous personalities, including emperors, generals and politicians such as Bismarck, Napoleon III, Wilhelm I, Stepan Razin, Hitler, Stolypin, Khrushchev; as well as outstanding creators – Johann Sebastian Bach, Modest Mussorgsky, Van Gogh, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Baudelaire…”

“Were they good people?” I asked.

“Different ones, Rukh,” the Sun sighed. “People are not inclined to full knowledge now, few people consider the entire passport – they limit themselves to the position of the Sun in a Sign, not even taking into account the Sphere of Life, let alone the stars, degrees, Houses’ rulers and relationships with other planets. The Sign of the Sun shows one at one’s arrival on Earth, but the main Sign is determined by the point of the first breath – the Ascendant. Your Ascendant is in Cancer. You are a Moon girl. Day by day a person moves away from the Sign of the Sun, becomes more and more like the Sign of the Ascendant. If we consider all the planets and stars, as well as their relationships, the pattern of the soul is unique and too far from the primitive horoscopes of false stargazers.”

“What does the Sun in House No. 11 mean?” I asked.

“The Sun is a symbol of the Higher Self, an indicator of vitality. I bring Light and warmth, being the source of Light for the Earth, I’m a symbol of clear vision. The Sun means fame, recognition, leadership. House No. 11 is the Sphere of the Future, including plans, dreams and hopes. This is the Sphere of Astrologers and Sky-Uranus, social groups, collectives, the Sphere of politics and patrons. Now try to draw your own conclusions!”

“Will I dream of a Brighter Future?” I supposed.

“Yes, you’ll dream,” the Sun smiled, “and build it. You’ll clearly see the Future, read and interpret the stars, lead people from Darkness to Light, and you won’t go unnoticed, for your Future is bright and brilliant. Such people usually shine with all related to the Future and in the Future.”

“Posthumous glory,” I nodded.

“Don’t forget that I’m the ruler of your Sphere No. 3, associated with writing texts and eloquence, I’ll lead you to the Future through creativity, the themes of which are somehow related to the Sphere No. 11. Write about the Future, about the stars and Heaven, something Spiritual.”

“Love and Death,” I sighed. “In my House No. 5 of Love and Creativity, which is ruled by Venus in 10, Pluto is conjuring, and the assistant of my Death, Uranus, is thundering.”

“By the presence and quality of the planets in Sphere No. 11,” the Sun continued, “they determine the possibility of gifts from Heaven. Here you have not only me, but also the King of the Words, smart Mercury, and the most generous benefactor, Jupiter. A strong and kind planet in House No. 11 dooms you to success. The Sun also means significant, high-status persons who will help you shine in the right place at the right time during your lifetime. For example, you’ll receive some award, which will lead you to posthumous glory, allowing you to shine in the Future. Usually the Sun here is an indicator of longevity, in your case – creative!”

“Won’t Pluto deprive me of your opportunities?”

“Stay away from Pluto people,” the Sun said calmly. “These are the only creatures that are truly and deadly dangerous to you. Falling in love with them, you’ll stop thinking in the spirit of the wise Saturn. Pluto will use your Universal Love, Solar-Aries qualities and the Light emitted by you for his selfish purposes, manipulating you like a puppet, and then, having squeezed you out energetically, will abandon you. Listen to the voice of your Saturn and think of the Light of your Sun.”

We heard rustling sounds behind the curtain, followed by the same ominous hissing.

“I haven’t finished talking yet!” the Sun said loudly towards the curtain.

“But why,” I exclaimed in resentment, “why and for what will they deprive me of the Sun?”

“For example, because of envy,” the Sun sighed. “People tend to envy those who are brighter, stronger, smarter and more talented than themselves.”

“The Sun is right, Rukh. This is not the worst thing on Earth!” the Guardian cheered me up, patting my shoulder with his wing. “You’ll be appreciated by bright and clever people. What is the opinion of others to us for?”

Suddenly, a Snake jumped out of the curtain! She flew up to me and already was about to bite, as the Guardian covered me with wings, and the Sun rose from the throne and threw the Snake back to the window with its beam. The Snake wheezed wriggling,

“Rukhhhh, Rukhhhhh… uhhhh…”

“It’s time for you to go to the Library,” the Sun smiled, hugging me goodbye. “I can wander with you here in the Ziggurat afterwards.”

“So is it a Ziggurat, not a Palace?” I was surprised.

“Yes, we are in the multi-level Stargazer Tower, the roof of which is Lady Universe herself.”

Library of the Universe

“Angel, what was that Snake?” I asked on the way to the Library.

“You’ll find it out a little later. We are descending the stairs to Earth so that you can absorb the information step by step calmly.”

“Calmly?! After all that is already written in my passport? I thought, at least in the last two Houses…”

“Thoughts, my soul, must be positive!” the Guardian laughed. “Not much good, I agree, but it still exists. Don’t you wonder who your Sun is friends with? A perfect match with the Moon. Both Luminaries have equal strength, they are stronger than your other planets. The Sun is your life-giver, and the Moon is the Master of your Destiny. The Sun is the male energy, Spirit, Fire, Consciousness, mind, will. The Moon is the female energy, soul, water, Subconscious, feelings and emotions. Both of them are developed in you to the maximum extent, providing harmony and integrity of the personality, mental equilibrium. It means excellent vitality, outstanding success, wide recognition and respect, successful marriage, excellent relationships with the opposite sex and parents, and happiness in general.”

“Excellent relationship with parents who are in the House of my Secret Enemies? They will leave me before my 13th birthday in the arms of Saturn, the Master of my Death, what kind of good relationship are we talking about?” I chuckled darkly.

“You are already reasoning like a human being,” the Guardian said sadly, “and even condemning. Besides the Moon, the Sun is a friend of your Neptune, that confirms the perfect harmony between feelings and reason. This aspect is found among romantics, famous creative personalities like poets, writers, artists, musicians; scientists, psychologists, philosophers, mystics, spiritual teachers and healers, and, oddly enough, financiers. By the way, your passport has more references to managing other’s money. People of exquisite taste surround themselves with elegant things, attend vernissage, exhibitions, concerts, love arts and nature, explore psychic and paranormal phenomena. You’ll be drawn into our Reality through religious rites. This is an aspect of the personality with the Higher Self prevailing over the Lower. Thanks to heightened sensitivity and depth of perception, you’ll be able to feel other’s pain and help people by healing them. The Sun in friendship with Neptune is not only clairvoyance, but also practical work with visions.”

“And how to work with them?” I was surprised.

“The Future is multivariate. Anyone who sees something negative will at least try to find an alternative. Moreover, you tend to help others. There are many temptations in that. However, it’s a long conversation, not for here and now. Your Sun is in conjunction with Eris and Alpheratz, as well as with Mercury and …”

“The Snake?!”

“Right. Aren’t you interested in the degree of your Sun?”

“Don’t say it’s Pluto’s one, please!”

“The degree of the White Sun, a symbol of Abundance. It means love for nature, protection and help to the weak, ability to art and natural sciences, increased responsibility. Romantics in the soul, they are quite simple-hearted, hence the harshness, they tell the truth in the eye, make excessive demands to themselves and their loved ones. Such people love freedom, they are excellent speakers, bright public figures. This degree was accentuated in politicians who were loved by their people.”

“Do you remember, you said the degrees were nicely described by the Silver Age stargazer? What did he say about this one?”

“Beautiful wild flowers grow among the wheat in a field blessed by the Sun,” the Guardian sighed.

“Why are you sighing?” I asked sadly. “What did he mean by beautiful wild flowers?”

“One’s personality will remain in the memory of those around for a long time, and the life’s work will sprout with flowers and will be under the lights of the Sun after one’s soul returns to Heaven.”

We sat down in the usual chairs in the Reading Hall, and the book about ghosts obediently flew into my hands.

“I’m scared, Angel. That Snake, in almost the only good House, where everything is flooded with Light, you know. My hope for the Sun, in the House that grants wishes. And at the very last moment…”

“Fulfillment of wishes doesn’t always bring happiness. Read on,” the Guardian sighed and patted me on the shoulder in a friendly way.

The book opened at the story “A Wish”. The main character pronounced her wish to be in Paris the next day with her beloved man. That night they spent in Moscow, and, of course, there was no chance of any Paris. However, he forgot to turn off the gas burner.

“‘Yes, baby, yes,’ he whispered, heartbroken. ‘Please forgive me, you know I didn’t do it on purpose. Don’t go in there! It’s horrible. It’s all over now,’ he said trying to console me somehow. ‘Everything will be fine. You’ll calm down now, and we’ll go to Paris. We’ve never been there together before.’”



“Look, Alice, today the Sun has finally appeared outside!” Ray stated, jumping from the windowsill into the room.

“We have to look through the last box with business cards!” I smiled. “Let’s scan it from that room by the fireplace. It’s somehow … more cozy.”

We went through the wall into the next room. Ray plopped down on the bed. I turned on the fireplace with my gaze, snuggled up to Ray, he hugged me and periodically stroked me, while I sorted through the business cards in their holographic projection, trying to remember all the faces.

“Athos residents.”

“Not interesting. Next!”

“Lamberto Cianforlini, the head of the Telecom Italy’s office in Moscow, was so calm. I remember, we had dinner with him in a luxury restaurant, then we took photos together. Thanks to him, I got to the Shareholders’ Meeting in Rome.”

“You met a fortune teller there, didn’t you? She predicted your car accident.”

“Oh, yes, exactly! I wouldn’t remember her now!”

“Stubborn sheep! I called you the day before. They sent signs from Heaven and voiced directly to you. An-no! You sat down in the car and went to your Rublyovka!”

“Not mine… The Minister of Agriculture. Or vice-minister? I don’t remember his face. How did I end up at his banquet? And this man has never become the Minister of Defense, but he wrote orders for the entire country.”

“Violet Island,” Ray said dryly and pinched me, and I yanked his hand away.

“Oh, Count Dracula! Romanian poet who loved girls. You asked then if he had freed his Castle for us. And here is Aaron Gaal. Poet and translator. Former mayor. President of the International Foundation of Arts. After my performance in Hungary, he nominated me for their local Nobel prize in the Parliament. 100 people from different countries could be nominated in different fields. Victor Erofeev, writer. He came to the books exhibition in Paris and asked, ‘Show me Alice!’ I was frightened and quietly said, ‘That’s me…’ He came with TV cameras, ‘Film us all together! I’ve been told so much about you!’ Everyone came running to get into the frame. I gave him my book. He asked if I would be at the billionaire’s villa in Italy in a week.”

“What were you doing at the billionaire’s villa?”

“I seem to have made a report in Italian ‘The New Russian Revolution’, something about modern literature. I only remember us sitting together with Mr. Erofeev on the ground floor of that villa in the evening over a glass of wine and talking about fame. He said, everything depended on chance, not on talent. On getting at the right time in the right place. You must do your best, but it’s not given that your wish will come true. One must get some permission from Heaven to be taken by the hand and brought to the right place at the right time to the right person. Without permission, even if you hurt yourself into a cake, it won’t work. Either the place is wrong, or the time. Or the right person is missing. Mr. Erofeev asked me to send him fragments of my ‘Another Reality’ to read.”

“You didn’t send it, you fool!” Ray pinched me again.

“Producer of the Moscow region TV channel. Here is about TV. Is it interesting?”

“To be honest, not really,” Ray yawned defiantly.

“Screenwriters, directors… Who are all these people? Well, I remember this woman, Galina, the owner and / or director of the Institute of Parapsychology and Magic. Yes, she invited me to her birthday party in a restaurant. It was a closed, I would say Masonic, party. A well-known Russian chanson singer flew in from America especially for her, and Galina handed me a statuette for a series of programs on Artist TV… Brother’s business card.”

“You picked the right nickname for him, ‘Brother’. One can’t imagine better.”

“Everyone took me for his sister. Once a minister from Azerbaijan arrived to visit him. They came into my office, Brother introduced us to each other. The minister asked in surprise, ‘What is this girl doing here with you?’ And he proudly replied, ‘She is sitting on my money!’”

“You were great at managing other people’s finances, go on.”

“A shark of imperialism, Lanfranco Spagnol. You knew him. He owned furniture holdings in Italy and real estate around the world, including a flat in Venice. I no longer worked in the furniture business, when he flew to Moscow and offered to meet. We walked along the Old Arbat, went to an Italian restaurant. A nostalgic return to the Past. I asked him about our mutual acquaintances, the owners of Italian factories. He listed the reasons for their deaths and suicides due to a series of bankruptcies. The one who rode his bike around the factory went crazy! Lanfranco confessed that he didn’t want to live either, but forced himself to get up in the morning and do something. Then he said suddenly, ‘Don’t dare even think about it, Alice, no matter how bad you feel right now.’ I decided that the Higher Forces sent him to Moscow that evening specifically to say these words to me through him.”

“I wish you remembered everything here and finished it as soon as possible! Although, when I think about where I am to return, I don’t want to live like that either.”

“You said it funny!”

“Are you going to rescue me? Or, as soon as the door to Heaven opens, you will immediately…?” Ray turned me to face him and looked into the soul, but I continued,

“A well-known media person. Owner of a huge PR company. He offered me to be the CEO. He sent me a draft project for the largest bank.”

“And you refused! You dummy!” Ray tapped my head.

“The body is left, but human habits remained! I gave him a figurine of the Girl with the Moon Cat. I had two of them. We joked he would sell it to Sotheby’s in years … for a billion. Then we had dinner, he said he was to meet the next day Timur Bekmambetov, who had filmed the Night Watch, and offered to transfer my ‘Another Reality’ to him. Many people said, including Mansurova, that one day a movie would be filmed based on my books, perhaps a TV series. But just at that moment, I had no printed books.”

“You could have made one on the printer! Who are you after that?”

“I agree,” I sighed. “The nephew of a famous Russian banker. He lived in Switzerland. Of my age. I worked for him once. Good boy.”

“One more project from scratch?”

“Yes, as almost everywhere.”

“When I called you to my place, you refused,” Ray dissolved the phantom portrait of the banker’s nephew with his gaze.

“We wouldn’t be allowed to stay together. I didn’t practice black magic. Nonna Khidiryan, winner of the Battle of Psychics on TNT channel. She warned me about the surgery beforehand, and then helped get money for it. One day she called and said, ‘Do you want me to make you the Minister of Press?’”

“And you… who are you after that?” Ray sighed.

“What kind of minister I am!”

“With your crystal honesty and absolute apolitical nature, none, I agree. But you went to the same school as the Minister of Culture. Your portraits hung on the board of honor nearby. Well, how could you?”

“Come on, Ray!”

“What about your classmate? You were his first love, which he confessed to you many years later. Who was he, remember? His mother was an image maker of two Presidents in a row! One of your cousins was married to the Minister of Health, and the other was a famous lawyer. With so many cool personalities around, how didn’t you manage to…?”

“Look here, she’s not a woman, but a real angel. She worked at the U.N. and then at a church school. And this woman is a legend of secret services.”

“It’s more interesting about men,” Ray yawned again from sheer boredom.

“Head of the Moscow branch of the Union of Writers. He introduced me to the Ministry of Culture for some kind of award. Chairman of the Union of Literary Man. He solemnly handed me over a paper in a frame with the number of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation for my state scholarship. President of the International Association of Citizens of Art. She invited me to Madrid to perform a solo poetry concert.”

“You could have performed in Germany as well, but you didn’t go. Who are you if not a…?” Ray put his fingers to my forehead to give me a flick, but I took his hand away.

“Eugene Rein, personally knew Akhmatova and was friends with Joseph Brodsky. Unlike many, I really liked his poetry. A good person too. Once I looked into his eyes and saw Heaven, it was like touching Eternity, a strange feeling, hard to describe. We sometimes crossed paths in the basement cafe of the Central House of Writers, where I used to dine. We met at School of the Booker Laureates in Milan. He helped me a lot too. We went with him to Brodsky’s grave in Venice.”

“Don’t talk about graves…”

“Here is the old man from vernissage. He sold hand-painted boxes for jewelry, including ones by the artist Sergey Krasnov, whose works were popular at international auctions. As a child, I loved to walk along the vernissage in Izmailovo on weekends. I liked beautiful things. All my life I respected people who created beauty with their own hands … Ugh! Looks like we have scanned everything! Hooray! Although there were still some individuals in telephone contacts.”

“Yes, yes, there was a mountain of VIP personalities there once. Until you deleted them. Where are all those people and oligarchs now? The icons are still here!”

“Well, no need to be modest,” I chuckled. “At least one of the secret oligarchs is now next to me!”

“Listen, Alice, 28 days have passed since the date of your death, and you are not able even to draw one elementary conclusion,” Ray sighed heavily. “Will you tell me why you don’t want to leave here?”


“You have 13 days left, and you are stomping around in the same place.”

“13… I’ve been lucky for this number in my life! Listen, Ray, let’s have some fun while the Sun is shining today!”

“Do you mean to have fun as imps? This word is somehow more suitable for 13,” Ray sat up on the bed and threw a pillow at me. “Get up. Nothing to be happy about. We’ll have fun when you remember and finish all here. Don’t forget to turn off the fireplace.”


“Befriend, Alice!” Dimitra was clearly in a bad mood. “Here is a link to a web page. It’s in Greek, but do a good deed by clicking the button to protect Athos from gold miners!”

“Yes, of course. How did the protest end?”

“The police arrested some of Ouranoupoli locals! They are in prison. We’ll have to gather money to get them released.”

“What did they do?”

“They stood there with posters. The police arrived and attacked them with batons. These people were absolutely peaceful citizens! My daughter was among them! They even didn’t think to do something wrong! They just defend their homeland! The media wrote, look here,” Dimitra opened a website in Greek on her phone, “the police were provoked! Last time the police used tear gas! Monsters! Politics is one big lie! The previous government openly stated that it supported the gold miners. Then we had elections. We went to vote for the opposition, since they were screaming at every corner, they would drive the gold miners out of the country. A woman who used to take part in our protests and gathered money in support of the popular resistance put forward her candidacy for the local government, and we supported her, since she was one of us, we trusted her! But immediately after the elections, the enemies gave her a villa with a bag of money in addition.”

“I’m sorry, Dimitra,” I sighed. “Anyhow, such things happen all over the world, not just here.”

“Poor consolation! Do you want me to show you where we’ll move if we can’t stop them?” Dimitra took out a map of Greece, unfolded it and began to plot a route. “Here, in these mountains, in the village where our distant relatives live. It’s so quiet, so good! And people are so kind there! They have a heart of gold! I’ll invite you to visit us. Will you come?”

Tower of Ouranoupoli

“What tea does your darling soul want today, Alice?”

“As usual, Joice. I’ve finished scanning things, but everything is in the Past. Has my Love appeared here again?”

“No,” Joice poured astral tea into cups.

“One night and 12 days. Woman the Love. Boy the Lawyer. Plastic necklace and … a walk to Hell. Whereas I need the handle and something to finish that will probably count in the Judgment. What do you think, what to start from?”

“I would think about the possible connection between them.”

“Between whom?”

“Between whom and what. And in the diary? Really nothing? Of course, no one writes the whole truth, but it’s your diary, so you should feel what was left behind the scenes, shouldn’t you?”

“The Moon Cat is in the diary. He began to appear to me in the Library, purring something, I don’t understand what. Listen, Joice, just don’t laugh… Maybe I don’t understand the cat’s language, because I’m still alive and this is just a dream? Or I’m stuck, and the Life-Giving Spring will help me. It resurrects even the dead!”

Joice set the cup down on the table and calmly asked,

“You don’t want to leave for Heaven. Why, Alice?”

I clutched my head in my hands, looking for an answer, but the circle closed in,

“There must be something I haven’t finish yet here.”

Library of the Universe

“In the kitchen, with all hands busy, I said to my son, ‘Well, I don’t have a third hand!’ And he said, ‘But you have the Third Eye!’ Periodically, people write me letters asking to look them through. They consider a clairvoyant knowing all about everything and everyone at any moment. The one who knows everything at any time is not a clairvoyant, is God. I am not God. And not even an angel. Yes, imagine, I am a human being, or rather, a soul incarnated in a female body.”

“I was shown there more than once the death of my acquaintance. In different versions, but without details. For the first time in detail it was while I was walking from my Teacher to the metro (it lasted 5 minutes, although it seemed like an eternity). Walking down the street with my eyes open, I saw both what was There and what was here. It was creepy both in terms of the plot and the very fact one could see also that way. Today it has happened similar, however, already a different scenario. From 11:30 to 16:30 on the 2nd screen, I saw the situation of the Future and was in it, and performed actions. I had to think very quickly, there was no time for reflection in that scenario. At the same time, I had to talk to real people, take part in a meeting, answer letters, calls, etc. Ray called me the moment I returned. Maybe he switched me off. Everything that happened There (in the Future) took about 5 minutes in local time. And 5 minutes There resulted in 5 hours here! I was squeezed like a lemon. Svetlana said, ‘You have already done everything There’ (rewritten). I have just started. It can be considered an imagination. But I really want to see the Light. I have absolutely no desire to see anyone’s Death. I can’t return here from There by opening my eyes, because my eyes are open here, and it’s like I’m held There in order to change something There before returning here. No Third Eye? Say, ‘Thank you!’ and rejoice!”

“The other day, my employees took me to the roof of the office, the 8th floor level. There is a window open now, you can climb out onto the roof through it. And I remembered my old verse, ‘If there were not 6 floors below me, but at least 7 or 8’ …”

I stopped reading and thought. The Cat purred contentedly.

“Excuse me, Moony,” I whispered, sending the holographic copy of the diary to the Tablets. “It looks like I need to get back to that roof. Would you like to keep me company?”

Abandoned building, Moscow

I was instantly transported to the Roof of the abandoned building, where I had first met the mysterious two-faced Woman the Love. There was no one but me and my Cat. The Cat purred contentedly and scurried inside the building. I had no choice but to follow him. The building, as expected, was pitch black.

“At the seminar, Mansurova gave us a task to get into the Temple of the Soul and enter each room, because in one of them there was the key-answer to the question. Just my Temple of the Soul had 2 floors only. And here… Stop! ‘If there were not 6 floors below me’! ” I exclaimed.

The Cat and I went down to the 6th and found ourselves in a dark closed space without windows, but with many doors on both sides.

“Wow,” I breathed out. “Thank you, Moony, for coming with me! You have no idea how scared I am here!”

“The key is always where your fear is,” said a familiar voice.

“Moony, you’ve started talking!” I was delighted, but the Cat immediately disappeared.

I took a couple of steps, passing along several doors. The corridor turned right. Suddenly, in the distance, I saw a ghost passing through the wall!

“Hey!” I screamed. “Wait!”

The ghost froze. I flew up and saw a girl in front of me. Smiling, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, you have finally arrived!”
