sad song

Well it's not that song
What i want to sing
And it's not that life
What i want to live
And I'm not that girl
What i want to be
Coz I'm bad, I'm sad,
I'm so unhappy

And I do not know
What i have to do
Do to change my life
Making something new
I don't want to speak
I don't follow rules
All i can is sing
Cry and sing my blues

Oh how can i go on to seek the sense
Tell me
Forget-me-nots are dying in my space

I don't know for what
I am learning to
Play that green guitar
Left there after you
Inspiration sleeps
In that light you wrote
Inspiration is
Autumn leaves and smoke

Who could know that you
Leave this world so fast
All the songs you made
Will become just past
And who knows what it
Means for all those crowds
Think the death's book sheets
which will burn out!

And were those yellow trees the last you saw?
Let in my head flutes sing some other song
And violins


Great “sad song”, highly poetic with melody and rhythm.
I really like it.
Good luck

Зеликман Евгений   31.10.2023 17:43     Заявить о нарушении
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